Conversation with Athena

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Artemis is definitely not worried about Salomao. She is pacing around on Olympus not knowing what to do. Salomao have been gone almost the whole day and she wasn't sure where he was.

   " Maybe he just went back to his cabin. Maybe he just went and get some stuff." Artemis tried to convince herself as she just paced around the room like a madman. She couldn't help but get worried because of how they kind of anger him by getting into knowledge that they weren't suppose to know.

   " Artemis?" A familiar voice spoke up. Artemis stopped and looked up. She was met with the a similar eye color just a lot stormier. Athena looked at her with curiosity. She was wondering why her sister was pacing around the throne room looking all worried. Her sister Artemis almost never did looked worried. It's rare to see her sister looking all nervous and worried like that.  One of the last time she got so nervous like that was when an 8 year old Apollo went out at night and never did came back until the next afternoon.

      "Yes sister?" Artemis answered back. Her worriedness was gone slightly. The goddess of wisdom looked at her weirdly before asking, " What happened?" Artemis sighed before spilling everything out.

    "The next thing I knew he was gone. Nowhere to be found in camp." Artemis finished. Throughout the story, the goddess of wisdom have been listening intently and taking some notes. She needed to learn more about this mysterious immortal hunter. She had never heard any stories of him until Perseus her daughter's ex-boyfriend disappear. She had thought something had to be connected but nothing would make sense. But when Hades mentioned about Salomao Hunter had been out adventuring that time, she couldn't help but thought of the one place that could make Perseus Jackson older than anyone in the immortal counselors.

And that is Tartarus, the deepest part of the world...................

She had heard rumors about Tartarus not only being the worst place for immortals but she heard quite an interesting fact about Tartarus. Athena had heard that where her daughter Annabeth Chase had went, time goes by normally. However, the deeper you went, the faster time goes. It was a theory that Athena had but she wasn't quite sure. After all, some just didn't click. If he was Perseus, why did he had yellow eyes or why he was wearing a mask? He wasn't that ugly to mask himself right?

  " Why is he so important to you though?" Athena asked her sister. Artemis went red and just sighed.

   " Well he isn't important to me personally. However, Sal definitely have titans and deities that are even more powerful than us. Angering him would not be a good idea. mother......he knows where my mother is." Artemis informed Athena. Her voice were strained slightly when she mentioned her mother Leto. It had been a while since they have seen their mother. Well Athena couldn't see her since she always thought Metis already went to the faded realm. While Artemis had the chances to see her mother whenever she wanted. Just she never did.............
She regretted that deeply and was guilty about it. After all, Leto is the one who gave birth to her and took care of her when she was just a young goddess.

" I understand, after all........... he also know where they all are." Athena said her voice a little emotional. Being stuck inside Zeus sucked a lot. But during that time, her mother Metis always have been her best friend and teacher. The very person who raised her, who taught her, and the very person who kept Athena alive during those horrific times. Being in Zeus's stomach isn't the best thing in the world. Especially, when you could hear what's on the outside (Certain activities where Zeus can't keep his pants).

Athena shuddered at that memory. It was part of her reason why she never did married or anything. Absolutely horrific to both Athena and Metis.
    " I need to know! I can't stand another day anymore.........without feeling guilty for not even visiting mother.........I had a chance. But, being a goddess made me all so busy that I forgot I even had a mother." Artemis said her voice cracking as she remembered her younger days.

" Artemis don't run so far away!" Her mother yelled.
    " Mom! I'm just going to go out and hunt!" She yelled back. Her mother just sighed and smile.
    " Just make sure to come back before sunset!" Her mother yelled to her. The young huntress then went out and adventured into the woods.

   Memories ended..........

  She closed her eyes remembering the memories. Those moments were once sweet to remember became bittersweet to remember after getting reminded that she hadn't met her mother for thousand of years now. Athena patted her back in comfort. As a big sister, she needed to be there for Artemis. Even if she is in pain also.
    " It okay Artemis. You'll see her one day." She tried to convince her positively. But Artemis seem to be not in the mood.
" Yeah, maybe never." She muttered to herself depressingly. Athena shook her head at her little sis's antics. Artemis could be depressing when she want to be.
" Hey sister, would you mind telling me what that is?" Athena asked noticing the tiny seashell hanging on Artemis's pant. It was a light pink color but also slightly blue at the same time.

Artemis looked at it and then smack her head. She cursed silently to herself as she thought how stupid she was.
' Yes!You finally agreed that you are stupid!' Diana exclaimed in the back of the head.
Artemis just mentally glared at her.
" Why didn't I thought of that!" She exclaimed to herself as she continued to pace around the room even more. Athena looked confused at why her own sister would smack herself in the head and cursed slightly.

" This seashell was given by Salomao. He said if I needed help, I could just use this to call him over." Artemis explained.

   Athena just looked at her incredulously.
  " And you just remember it?" She asked her. Artemis sighed and nodded.
    " I just remembered that he had given me a whistle like seashell? Anyway I'll be heading back to camp. I'll call Salomao back using this seashell at camp and plus............. I'm worried about Thalia. She haven't been stable as she use to when Salomao haven't came. I'm worried about her a little. She's my sister and lieutenant! I can't afford losing another one after Zoë........." She said slightly emotional with the topic of Zoë and Thalia. Athena nodded in understanding and Artemis just flashed away leaving Athena to think about her words.

   " Seashell?" She thought to herself as she walked back to her palace.


AN: So I'm planning on writing a new PJO fanfic.  But I want to know which sounds more interesting. Percy Jackson: The Spartan Prince or Percy Jackson: Olympus's Son? Oh and also thanks @ss10066036!
   - MoonEclipse777

" Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night smells better."
   - Henry Rollins

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