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Few Days Later...

" If only time goes back....." Celeste spoke choking on her words.

Standing next to a beach, she held a small wet paper.

Sal looked down. He couldn't bare to see the face of his best friend right now.

He just might cry if he do.

A yawn came from someone.

" Is it done yet? This is so boring. Why do we have to honor a hunter when we literally their rival?" Someone ask.

Sal glared at where the voice came from.

" No, it's not done yet. But I'm done with your freaking attitude!" Sal said while gritting his teeth.

The teenager who spoke paled for a little before smirking. He stood up and cross his arm.

" And how will you do that, Salomao Hunter. You know you can't hurt a son of a god." The teenager spoke smirking.

Sal looked at Phoebe's body for a moment. He prayed for her forgiveness before looking back the teenager coldly.

" Oh I will hurt you, John. In fact, I will hit you  till you as small as a blue jelly bean and as cracked as Humpty Dumpty." He said calmly.

His yellow eye flash golden.

Sal grabbed John's camp shirt and slam him into a tree nearby the beach.

The son of Hephaestus coughed out some blood.

He soon quickly wiped it away leaving some hints of blood stain.

Thunder boom overhead and the air became hotter for some reason. Sal walked over to where John was.

His hand balled into a fist and he scoffed.

" Nice to know you can't even beat a man who only have one arm left." He mocked. Lightning flashed ahead but Sal ignored it.

  " You dare!" John yelled. He took a step back while glaring at Sal.

  " I didn't think you care much about the gods! Why now huh?" He continue to push John's buttons.

The son of Hephaestus didn't say anything.

  " You call yourself equal to the gods. Well let's just say you are trashier than the gods!" He yelled before grabbing John by the throat and slamming him across beach.

Thunder boomed overhead and clouds constantly rolls in like sheets of blankets layered on top of each other.

  Sand flew everywhere and the demigods all step back looking at the hunter with golden eye fearfully.

  Sal chuckled coldly.

' Bunch of cowards.' He thought in his mind.

He coughed a little but still kept his eye on John.

" You insult my friend. I kill you. You do something to my friend. Let's just say you don't want to learn what happens next." He told John while chuckling darkly.

His eye flashed a poisonous green color for a second before going back to gold.

Zoë saw that and she falter remembering some memories.

Her eyes grew sad as she remembered Sal telling her what had happened with his eyes.

One became a monstrous look and the other turn into a color he hates but has to look at almost everyday.

The Masked Legend (PJO Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now