Typical Day

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Life been normal after the battle...surprisingly. However Sal had many things going through his mind. There was the war, his identity, Nightshade, and the warning...............

Flashback Sal's POV

" Ahh night time.........." I sighed happily looking up at the starry night sky. I was walking around the camp just enjoying my night.
As I was walking, I met the familiar cave 500 years ago. I tighten my grip. What Rachel said had came true.

" Percy just so you know. What ever you become I will support you. Just cope with it and it will turn better. Loss doesn't mean a future with darkness." Rachel had said before.

Apparently she knew already that betrayals will start happening.

"If only if you had given me a better warning than loss doesn't mean a future with darkness." I muttered silently as I walked into the cave.
It didn't changed much. Just some few decorations here and there.
Sitting on a bench in front of a canvas was a girl with red fizzy hair like the fizz when soda pop open. However, it reminded me of Rachel.

"Who are you?" I asked. The red hair turned around revealing a pair of green eyes. She had paint on her face and clothes as she looked at me with a stern look.

Her eyes glow green.
" Oh gods not that again!" I exclaimed.
The girl opened her mouth and..........
Flashback ends

" Salomao?" Artemis asked to a zoned out Sal. She was waving her hands over his eyes. Sal came back from zoning out and just looked at Artemis who looked at him weirdly.
  " What?" He asked. Artemis pointed at the piece of cloth he was holding.

  " You been washing that for nearly a hour." Artemis commented. The masked hunter just apologized and continued to wash the Hunters's clothes.

  Artemis just sighed.
" You been washing the laundry for two hours." She said. Sal went from being calm to full panicked mode.

" Oh Hades! It been two hours! Gods! I still need to make lunch! The Hunters are going to kill me. You know very well how bloodthirsty they can get when they're not getting fed boss!" He exclaimed while using his powers to try to wash the clothes faster.

Artemis just chuckled. She sat down next to him and grabbed one of her Hunters's clothes.

She silently washed it along with Sal.
" Uh boss? You do know that is my job right?" He asked. But Artemis just replied, " Well usually you only need a hour or even less. While my hunters usually take half a day just to get it all done so usually I would help them do the laundry. I had pick up some skills and being a good boss I decided to help."

Sal just smiled and continued to focus on washing.
" So how's life here treating you." Artemis asked.

" Better than I had thought. Could been worse though." He said the last part silently. However, Artemis heard it and then just punched him playfully.

  Sal just flickered some water back playfully. Artemis just glared at him and then flickered more water at him. The water mixed with soap soaked Sal's white hair.

  " Oh it sooo on." He said flickering a load of water onto Artemis's face.

" Challenged accepted." Artemis said while smirking.

Both immortals's laughter could be heard by the river.

  " Milady- what are you doing Milady!" Morgan asked looking incredulously at the two immortals who had water and soap all over their body. Some of the clothes were everywhere around the river. Some of them were floating above the river.

Artemis went red and cleared her throat.
" Salomao and I were just having a very important conversation." Artemis tried to explain.  Behind her,  Sal just snickered at the explanation from Artemis.

  Artemis turned around to glare at him.
" Anyway Morgan, what is your business here?" She asked.

  " Right. Tracy ordered me to find you and sent you a message." She said. Then she cleared her throat.

" Help Milady! Phoebe and Thalia is crazy over that thing again!" She mimicked. Artemis just sighed while Sal just looked confused.

  " That thing?" He asked as he walked with Artemis to the camp.

Artemis turned her head back.
" Japanese cartoon." She answered.
" Oh that thing." Sal said realizing what it was.

  Back to the Hunters's Camp.....

" Oooh Boruto! Phoebe exclaimed excitedly.

  " I think the Naruto is better." Thalia said.
  " What about Fairy Tail?" Phoebe asked. Thalia just nodded her head like the Einstein bobble heads. Artemis just sighed at her two Hunters's antics.

" Isn't Tokyo Ghoul also a good one?" Sal suggested. Phoebe agreed while Thalia shook her head.

  " It's interesting to watch however its so bloody." She said. Phoebe just looked at her weirdly.
  " But you watch Attack on Titans." Phoebe said to Thalia. Thalia just shrugged.

" That's different." She said. Sal just raised an eyebrow and looked at Thalia weirdly.

Artemis sighed once again.
" Why is this happening to these two of all people?" She said shaking her head.

" So basically two of your hunters are anime obsessed." Sal said. Artemis just nodded her head.

Phoebe turned to Sal.
" Do you watch anime." She asked. Sal just shook his head.
" Well not really. I only see them in those televisions in Japan while I'm on missions." He said. Thalia and Phoebe just stared at him.

" Did I.....say anything wrong?" He asked. Thalia just stepped back and pointed at him.

" You have no life!" She exclaimed. The masked hunter just raised his eyebrow one more time. He turned to Artemis.

" What is today. Anime obsessed day?" He said. The goddess of moon just shrugged.

" Dunno. Maybe it's National Anime Day." She replied.

" But how obsessed are they?" He asked looking at the two hunters who continued to chat about anime like Case Closed, Citrus, Food Wars, Sword Art Online, and stuff he didn't know.

" Multiply 10 to 56 million." She answered back. Sal didn't bother to do the math.

" You should do something about it. They are super obsessed considering the equation you gave. Maybe let them go to a convention?" He said. The goddess of moon looked at him in horror.

Sal felt two pairs of gleaming eyes staring at his back.

" Did you say convention?" They asked.
" Would you believe me if I say no?" He asked back.
Phoebe and Thalia ignored him and went in front of Artemis. They gave her their best puppy eyes or penguin eyes or some other cute animal eyes.

" Please Milady!" They pleaded.
" No! Also, the anime convention aren't even held until three years later!" She said. Morgan just looked at her weirdly.

" Don't asked." She said.  Sal just smiled at the scene. Even though it was quite weird. But at least it was a normal day. No battles no problems. Just them spending their time normally.


  " I'm not crazy.My reality is just different from yours."
  - Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland

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