Normal Day

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     A few Days Later......

" Sooo tell me why they have to be over here?" Simon questioned Phoebe and Zoey who grinned.

" It's a party remember?" Zoey said grinning mischievously.

" No! Why do you choose my house to stuff 35 people in? I'm a little claustrophobic remember? Also, I don't like people." Simon said.

Zoey laughed.

" It's quite rare to see you freak out so much," Zoey said slightly amused.

" I am a human being okay?!" Simon grumbled.

Phoebe patted his back.

" Don't worry. Zoey......" Phoebe said sighing wisely.

" She's can be one heck of a person," Phoebe said. Her eyes grew old and wise looking like an old lady with lots and lots of wisdom.

' WTT?( What the Tartarus?)' Simon thought.

   Zoey just suddenly floated right by their sides. With a creepy smile and a ghostly and fiery aura, she said with a nice tone,  " You have something to say to me, Phoebe.......?"

Phoebe took 2 feet away and hid behind Simon who looked at her and chuckled very slowly.

" Ha....ha......ha....." Simon chuckled slowly while looking at Zoey.

Artemis who was next to them just smiled amusingly. Even though she was like the third wheel here, but still..........

It's a perfect blackmail material.

Simon and Phoebe are both competitive people and doesn't like getting embarrassed.

If she could get some materials of this scene may be in the future.........

" hehehehehehehehhehehe....." she grinned evilly by herself while Ash who was few feet away from her walked away even more.

Thalia was talking to Sora who was being chocolates to the young hunters.

" These are pretty good..." Thalia said stuffing a few in her mouth.

Sora chuckled.

" Thank you," Sora said to her smiling.

" How did you started working at Nine? I mean looking at you, you have no problem working as some sort of celebrity or something." Thalia asked.

" It's a short story but a boring one as well...." Sora said scratching her hair.

" Well...." Thalia said trying to make her continue on. Sora sighed.

" So if you don't know, I have a boyfriend name, Charles. We started dating since 16. But we had a fight about our future after 2 years of dating. Umm...we didn't exactly know whether our romance would last when we started it. Since you know...not many really last....." Sora said.

" We were both 18 then and was ready to go and pursue our dreams. He wanted to work with his hands. Metalworking or something. I....didn't know what I wanted to be. I just know I wanted to go to college and earn some degree, make money, and settle down with friends and family by my side." Sora said.

" We have an argument about he and I's relationship while we are in college and whether it will work. I....said no but he did. He said to give our love a chance. I didn't believe a bit. Why would I? My family was quite broken when I was young so....never truly did believe in everlasting love....." Sora said.

" We were both suffering. I was quite depressed but my dad....he brought me chocolate to cheer me up. It tasted like cardboard....." she said chuckling.

" I don't know what came to me but after I took half a bite out of it, I went into the kitchen and searched up how to make some chocolate. Took a little time but I successfully made it without tasting like cardboard. I gave it to my dad with the recipe." Sora said chuckling remembering his reaction after eating it.

" My Dad was really a big part of my life.....he also sparks my interest in making sweets. I don't just make chocolate but also different kinds of stuff." Sora said.

" He may also be the one who kind of encouraged me to give some love a chance. But of course, there are Samuel and Simon's parts too." Sora said chuckling remembering the past.

Sora was sniffling at the back of the school. Her dad had given her the chocolate a day ago. It tasted like cardboard was warmth. But she definitely showing her dad how to make chocolate though.

"Hey...." Samuel said sitting next to her.

" You're eating chocolate? I thought you're on diet?" Samuel questioned.

" My Dad sent it to me......want one?" She said taking a piece out and handing it to him.

" Sure, are you sure I can have it?" Samuel asked. She nodded.

" Unless you're allergic to cardboard or don't like cardboard," Sora said. Samuel gobbled the whole thing down.

" I don't have anything against cardboard," Samuel said. Sora just chuckled. She sniffles and started to say all the problems out she has recently while Samuel just sat there listening.

When the next bell rang, the both of them stood up and went a different direction. But then he stopped and called her.

" It's good to say your feelings out loud....." Samuel said slightly unsure what to say. But he wanted to comfort Sora.

Sora looked at him and then smiled.

" Thanks, Sam...." She said before walking away.

" Hello, Sora?" Thalia waves her hands over Sora. But she was still smiling.

Thalia sighed. She looked around at the hunters who were hogging Samuel's home. His mom was smiling and bringing out cookies.

She then looked and Samuel was there with Erin apparently exchanging stuff.

She then recognizes what it was.

It was the " Girl Scout cookies" that Samuel asked for.

She sighed amusingly as she watches Samuel getting ripped off.

But she also saw Samuel munching on it happily like he didn't care what the world said about the cookies.

She smiled warmly. Samuel then noticed her and he smiled with some chocolate on his teeth.

" He's really like a kid," Thalia muttered smiling while shaking her head.

Samuel then walked over to her.

" Heh.....these cookies. They aren't Girl Scout Cookies. After years of tasting different kinds of cookies. I doubt I wouldn't be able to taste the difference between cookies bought from 99 cent store and Girl Scout." Samuel said.

" Then why did you let her rip you off," Thalia asked. Samuel shrugged.

" It's not like I will die by paying for overpriced cookies. Plus, I just had my paycheck and I'm feeling like spending money like some wealthy man." Samuel said giving her a lopsided grin.

She stopped and stared for a second and then just sighed.

" Someone's feeling rich." She said grinning back. The two laughed as they watched this mini party go on.

" LAST FRIDAY NIGHT....." Phoebe sang holding a plastic spoon while jumping on the couch.

Thalia and Samuel looked at each other and just sighed shaking their heads at their dear friend's immature action.

" Still a kid at heart." They both muttered at the same time.


AN: When coming to the internet, I'm quite cautious about information revealing like my birthday or something. But today is actually my birthday so whoever also have a birthday today...happy birthday to you as well!

" "It was a mistake," you said. But the cruel thing was, it felt like the mistake was mine, for trusting you."

- David Levithan

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