Midnight Battle

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AN: Sal is Salomao. Just in case you didn't know, I just shortened it. Oh and thanks for the two votes. Thanks!

It was midnight and Sal couldn't sleep. So, he went out and enjoy the cool night. Standing outside, Sal jumped onto a tree and sat there looking up.

"I'm jealous. Why do you get to see the whole world in one sight and yet I have to travel to see all those places that both of us wanted to go and visit one day." He spoke to the familiar huntress constellation. Who seem to twinkle in response of that comment. He sat there swinging his legs as he smiled to the stars and the moon.

A few minutes later, Sal was bored of staring up. He jumped down and went to the archery center. He summoned his bow and shot at it. Each time he shot at the target, he keeps getting on the center. However, Sal just sighed.

" Not good enough." He said sighing. He needed the arrows to be dead on center not next to it. One tiny bit off could affect the whole thing and he didn't want that. Not after that accident several hundred years ago............

" How much of a perfectionist are you?" Phoebe asked walking towards him. Sal jumped at the sudden sight of someone. He soon calm down when he saw it was only the daughter of Ares. Phoebe glanced at the target. The arrows which hit the target were all in the center. She didn't see any thing wrong about not hitting dead on center after all hitting the center was already like hitting the heart of an animal. It was already a straight kill.

" I got to be perfect in my archery. I can't let that incident to ever happen again...." He responded looking down sadly. Phoebe didn't ask further, she knew it was a very touchy subject to Sal so she didn't press further.

" Why are you here anyway?" She asked another question that have been in her mind. Sal looked up and face her.

" I couldn't sleep." He answered her question. He was about to ask the same question when

" I couldn't sleep either. I couldn't sleep well after my old friend's death. Plus, looking at her gives me a sort of comfort." She replied knowing what his question was. Sal nodded and the two sat down under a tree looking at stars.

" Would she be happy to see we are getting along?" She asked quietly smiling at the hunter constellation. Sal nodded.

" She would want her friends to get along." He replied back knowing it was the truth. Zoë would always want her friends to be happy. She may have hated all men but if you befriended her, she could be quite nice.

   " She was always a soft hearted person. She would just never admit it." He said chuckling at a memory of her and him being together. It was a brief time together but he could never forget it. After all, she was his first female hunter friend and a companion of his third quest.

   " What was her favorite constellation?" Sal asked Phoebe.

 " Every one of them well not including Orion and Hercules of course." Phoebe replied glancing at the boy next to her. After the third quest, Phoebe was about to chase after Perseus for getting her killed. But when she realized that he had always been apologizing to the dead hunter. She couldn't kill him. Not when he was in a state like that. When Sal came, she didn't see any similarities between the two. But soon after, sometimes she would almost call him Perseus and not Sal and soon she realized that they have lots of similarities.

   " Let me guess your favorite one is Hercules. I mean he is a hero to everyone's eyes except for the hunters and amazons." She guessed. Sal shook his head and glanced at the Hercules's constellation in disgust.

    "No way in Hades. I always have taken a liking in Ursa Major the Great Bear. " He pointed at the constellation.

   " The bear reminded me that I have to be determine even when there is harsh times. It gives me strength and Hercules doesn't give me that. It only tells me that he's a jerk." Sal said. Phoebe just chuckled slightly.

   " You know you're going to anger a few gods because of that comment right." Phoebe said amused. But Sal just shrugged not caring for the consequences. He hated Hercules for hurting his friend's heart. It obviously changed her but in some way it was good. The two just chatted for a while under the tree. The stars twinkled brightly as it looked at a weird friendship that bloomed.

  Until growls came from the woods and both hunters became alarmed by it. Sal reached for his hunting knives and while Phoebe went for her bow. Soon, monsters came out from their hiding spot. There was hellhounds, griffins, cyclops, minotaur, manticores, empousas, and a blood thirsty giant. There is possibly fifty of them here but both hunters had a instinct that there is probably more in the woods waiting to strike. Sal jumped up to a tree and sat there.

    " Phoebe, go and alert the hunters as fast as possible. I'll hold them off as long as I can." Sal said to her seriously before summoning his scythe reaper. Phoebe nodded and ran off quickly knowing that even if Sal was a super powerful person. Killing all of them by himself without any injuries is impossible.

   " Stay safe!" Phoebe yelled before heading off leaving Sal behind with these monsters. He nodded at Phoebe and turned to the monsters.

   " Now time to take out the trash." He said grinning sadistically. His hands still holding reaper. Out of no where, hunting knives came and pierce through the hearts of some of the monsters. The giant roared and commanded them to attack. But being a hunter, Sal was very familiar with his surroundings. He jumped from trees to trees and continued to use his hunting knives to pierce through the monsters. But nothing last forever, as his knives slowly ran out.  He then switched to his bow and shot each one of the monsters.

   " Just be dead already!" He yelled shooting every monsters. His eye turned golden and his powers suddenly increased. Sal jumped down and used his scythe to cut through the monsters like Jell-O. 

   Then a few silver arrows flew past Sal and shot at the hellhounds. He looked back and saw the hunters were behind him. Artemis's eyes glowed silver as she was enraged by the monsters since they caused trouble.

  "You stupid monsters. Go back to Tartarus!" Artemis yelled throwing a hunting knife at them. It landed straight at a manticore and turned it to dust. Sal grinned giving her a thumbs up however then hissed as one of the hellhounds scratched his back. He turned around and sliced through the monsters covering him with gold dusts. His back is bleeding from the hellhound scratching him. His mouth slipped a few curse words while slicing through monsters.

 A manticore was about to attack him when Phoebe killed it. She smirked and told him, " I can't let you have all the fun can I." Her eyes glowed sadistically before killing the monsters. Monsters came one by one out of the woods. The giant stood back letting all the monsters do the dirty job. The hunters used their bow and knives and went attacking them. The ground was covered with gold dusts and standing in the middle were Phoebe and Sal side by side attacking viscously at the monsters. Their whole body covered with gold dusts from the monsters.

  " This is so fun!" Sal yelled.

  " I know right!" Phoebe agreed yelling.

  " Zeus, they are maniacs." Thalia said to Artemis before going in with the hunters. Artemis soon followed behind. Even the young hunters gave their best to protect their home from the monsters.

    Finally, all the monsters were gone. Both Phoebe and Sal were panting like crazy from the lack of rest. But they weren't finished yet for a scream came and all attention were face to the last surviving monster. The giant held his sword next to Ash's neck. Blood could be seen dripping from Ash's neck. She was struggling to get out. Nobody made a move. None did tried to even move a bit. The giant grinned sadistically at the hunters while they glared at him.

   " If you want to see your precious little hunter alive, you better give me that guy!" He roared out. Artemis paled. She didn't want to give neither of them. Ash were precious to her and Sal were an important piece to Olympus. Plus, he was already in her camp. Her family. The tension rises as both wanted something from each other. The giant wanted Sal and the hunters wanted their young little hunter alive and well. Sal took a deep breath. This was like the incident happened several hundred years ago. He took out his bow reign and point the arrow at the giant.


 "Music is moonlight in the gloomy night of life."

 -Jean Paul

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