The Fight Part 2

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" Well well well look who it is........" Hades said with a cruel smile on his face as he looked at Sal who's in front of him.

" What do you want?" The masked hunter just said coldly. He had no time for this.

" That is not the way to greet your uncle is it?" Hades said. The masked hunter growled and before Hades knew, his throat had a knife next to it.

" You better be quiet or I'll silence you myself," Sal said. His cloak was all dirtied and the mask he wore already had a crack in it.

" You changed a lot Perseus............" Hades said with a soft voice. He wondered what have Tartarus done to this boy once again?

" I am not Perseus!" He shouted. His yellow eye turned golden.

" Then who are you?" Hades said back. The masked hunter faltered slightly. He didn't know who he was now. He could never be that son of Poseidon ever again.

Then he had an idea.
" I am Salomao Hunter! A person who is now 200 years old!" He replied back. His eye turned back to yellow and had a twinkle in it. It seemed like he had figured who he was now.

" Well then Salomao Hunter, then where is Perseus my nephew then?" Hades said.

" He's dead. I'm here all thanks to him being dead." Sal said.

" What will you do then Salomao?" Hades asked. For a moment he was quiet. Then he took his mask off revealing the other mask that covers half of his face.

His eye twinkled brightly and he grinned at Hades.

" I want to help the world!" He said. Hades was slightly shocked. He didn't think Perseus would have thought of something almost immediately.

  " Why?" Hades asked. Sal just smiled softly.
" Cause I want to help. Perseus Jackson might have been traumatized for a bit before going on with his life. But........." He said grinning. Then he pointed at himself.

" But this is Salomao Hunter at your service!" Salomao said before disappearing.

Salomao opened his eyes to see a white ceiling. He tried to get up but only to find Artemis sleeping next to him. He stayed in his position trying to not wake the goddess up.

However being the goddess of hunting, Artemis had good hearing. Her eyes fluttered opened only to see Sal staring down at her. Her face went red.

" Don't think anything bad......I was just nursing you back to health." Artemis said whiling clearing her throat.

" How long was I out?" Sal asked.  Artemis just sighed and opened the window. Sal could hear the sound of sword flashing into each other and agonizing screams.

" You only been out for a few hours because......" she said glancing at him weirdly. Suddenly, the door opened. Annabeth walked in there.

Artemis just nodded at her and walked out.
When they passed each other.
" I'll be at the doors," Artemis muttered. The daughter of Athena slightly nodded in return.

The door closed. The sound of the battle is still going on. Annabeth looked down. She took out the ballpoint pen and threw it at him.

" Here." She said. The masked hunter was confused.

" It was always yours from the start." She said.

" I ordered you to be brought into a body of water. You healed when we threw you in. How long are you going to hide the truth? How long are you going to play tricks?" She asked looking at Sal. Her eyes bore into his eye.

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