Her Thought And Chat

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A Mysterious Place.....

" If I got locked away
And we lost it all today
Tell me honestly, would you still love me the same?
If I showed you my flaws
If I couldn't be strong
Tell me honestly, would you still love me the same?
Right about now
If I judge for life, man, would you stay by my side?
Or is you gonna say goodbye?
Can you tell me right now?
If I couldn't buy you the fancy things in life
Shawty, would it be alright?"

Her eyes harden as she heard that song and its lyrics. She turned to the soldiers who were chatting about their families happily.

" Turn that off!" She snapped at them. The soldiers looked at her and immediately turn it off.

Their eyes show no hate but only fear. They didn't have time to hate or the dare to hate.

This was their lady.

Their lady that they are serving for the money she will paid later on.

The money was enough to sustain their family for their whole life.....

Even if they die in frontline, it is all worth it.....

For family they say........

But End don't have family.

She was simply born out of nothing.

Created to serve.

But did those people ever felt grateful?

No they didn't.

They took her for granted.

Took the naive and pure Justice as granted.

They took Chaos for granted.

So why do they deserve all this?

Justice her dear friend.....strive for perfection when coming to fair. But.........

How can things be fair when people are greedy?

How can they stop war from happening when....people won't stop their desire by having destruction?

End was the first to see it that way. Her name literally means to destroy.

But she didn't want to.......

But like Justice she wanted to strive for perfection.

And greed was in the way.

Earth was one of the only planets to not have those kinds of dirtiness back then.

Until Zeus and his little gods and goddesses decided as a punishment to Epimetheus, he and his "perfect" wife will bear the burden of opening the Pandora box releasing sickness, greed, poverty, and many malign things.

  " C'mon End let them go. They're just chatting and missing home." Infinity said walking by. End soften her eyes as she sees her friend.

" They here in this military area. This isn't some recreation place or McDonald's playground......" End said.

" If they truly are missing home, they either can give up or go to our doctor and see if there is a way to cope with it." End continued.

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