Sal awakes

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" You knew this is going to happen and yet you went back to Hawaii?" Artemis said clenching her fist. She got all stressed up because of this situation while she was at Hawaii enjoying the sunny life.

Selene looked at her and just sighed.

" I had hoped for the best. However, things had gone even worst apparently." Selene just answered.

" Wait so this never happened to him before?" Tracy said. Selene sighed and shook her head. She then walked forward to Salomao and stopped in front of him.

" His condition gets worst each time this happens. That's why I was mad when one of your hunters mentioned siblings. After all, this wouldn't have happened if you guys didn't mentioned it." Selene said jumping on the same branch as Sal. Somehow, Selene could get up without being kicked while Artemis can't.

" Are you now blaming us!" Thalia said quietly. But that quietness wasn't anything related to guilt or exhaustion. But it was pure anger. She hated how Selene talked like they haven't tried anything to solve the problem that they have "caused."

Selene glared slightly at her and just shook her head, not even saying a single word. She placed her hand over Sal and muttered a spell. Soon, the hunter calmed down. His breathing went back to normal.

" He should be okay now." Selene told Artemis before jumping down. The titan looked at Artemis and hugged her unexpectedly. However, there was a reason for that hug.

" He be waking up soon, just take care of him. He's like my brother to me." She whispered into the goddess's ear before flashing away.

As Selene expected, it didn't take a few seconds when Sal's eye opened wide. He sat up quickly grabbing his bow and jumped down. The cheerful glint in his eye came back to him.

Both Thalia and Phoebe silently grinned to themselves. It wasn't pretty to see that harsh golden eye all the time not that they would ever admit it.

" Thanks boss! I'm kinda sorry about that. It just...........some memories won't go away even for thousand of years." He said sighing to himself. His eye turned slightly sad at this.

Ash couldn't stand this and went up and hugged him. But she was a young little hunter so all she could do was hug his legs.

" Big brother, don't be sad!" She said looking at him with her big grey eyes.

" Big- big brother?" He asked a little shock. Then the other young huntresses surged forward as well. There was Mindy, Penny, Nicky, Wendy, Jacey, and Zoey who all went forward and piled up upon Sal.

" You guys." He said softly before crouching down and hugging all of them. Tears ran down his mask however, this time Artemis knew he was smiling inside. The warmth of the young huntresses had spread through the masked hunter who lived for 700 years. Maybe it might not be long for an immortal but time goes by so slow for the masked hunter himself.

" C'mon guys! Group hug time!" Artemis yelled out. Some of the older huntresses went forward and some were too embarrassed by it. The last one who was about to join in was Artemis. However, when she went in, Sal just backed away.

" Woah! Woah! Woah! Hey there I'm not going to hug a man-hater!" He exclaimed jokingly. His smirk hidden inside that mask of his.

Artemis just scowled.

" Do you want to die!" She yelled holding up her fist. Phoebe and Tracy looked at each other and just laughed. The night which supposed to be quiet and filled with cricket noises were filled with laughter instead.

The huntress constellation seemed to be twinkled in amusement. Sal looked up to see the Great Bear constellation. He mouthed thank you to it.

" Alright people, time to head to sleep!" Artemis announced. She could hear a few groans from the playful hunters. She herself just chuckle slightly. The huntresses and the masked hunter went off to sleep.

Next Day.........

Early in the morning, the sensitive ears of Artemis woke her up as she heard something. She walked out to see Phoebe and Thalia also had woken up. The three all knew why they were up so early and all followed the sound of that something.

They walked to the river with their weapons only to met with a beautiful sight. Sal was sitting on top of the big old tree next to the river. He was sitting on top of the branch swinging his leg. But this time he wasn't laying there, he sat and faced the river. He was holding a flute and blowing into it. His yellow eye stared at the cleared water as he played the flute. A tune came out of it and the three girls felt at peace. It was a calming and soothing tune that made the three girls just want to sat down and enjoy it.

" I never knew he could play the flute." Thalia whispered in shock. It was something she didn't think a hunter would have time to do. Phoebe nodded agreeing to her comment. The music stopped and Sal turned to look at the three. He seemed to have heard Thalia's comment. He looked at the three huntresses in amusement.

" Not only you guys are some feminists living in the woods, you guys are also stalkers too!" Sal said laughing. He was soon met with arrows next to him. Sal just shivered.

" I live with some abusive women." He muttered to himself however Artemis heard it and glared at him.

" Say that again and I'll........" She threatened playing with her dagger. Sal immediately shut up but didn't lose that twinkle in his eye. Sal jumped down from the tree and threw Artemis a seashell.

" Now that is the right one. Oh and that song was Pachelbel Canon in D. I could teach you if you like." The masked hunter winked and said to the goddess of moon. Artemis turned red and narrowed her eyes. She started to mutter a spell.

Sal paled knowing what's going to happen.

"Oh gods, someone help me! Someone is trying to turn me to a bunny!" He yelled before running off. But Artemis just continued to mutter her spell. A faint light could be seen from Thalia's view and then there was no sounds of the masked hunter.

Phoebe and Thalia looked at each other and chuckled slightly at the tragic experiences of Salomao Hunter.

" May he rest in peace." Thalia joked. Artemis looked victorious and proud at the same time. She crossed her arms and huffed.

" Never mess with the goddess of moon." She said.


AN: First of all, thanks AlzheLucentEzrakh for following and also if you want to hear the flute version of the music that Sal played just go to the top. I'll put an youtube video from of that song.


" Life is like a flute. It may have many holes and emptiness but if you work on it carefully, it can play magical melodies."


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