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Planet 20467El....

Sometimes people judge people......

The civilians of Planet 20467El really did judge End badly when she took over the planet.

However, the result was shocking for them. Although, they beheaded the presidents of the planet.

Arrested hundreds of people for treasons.

But the people's lives never went downhill.

In fact, under End's dictatorship, the economy went up. More trades, more food, and more peace.

There wasn't much corruption. There was less evil in this planet.

But this also resulted to many other things, greed. They took advantage of End. Wanting more and more.

Even though the push created prosperity and more people in the middle class or high class. But there was more negativity in something else.

Greed. Lust.

People continue wanting more even if they're grateful.

Who doesn't want their lives to be even better?

End didn't mind. She now controlled 23 planets and doesn't mind working on more.

Under her rule, every planet become richer and more benefited in almost every stance of ways.

To some people, her ruling may be on the level of Chaos's ruling.

End was walking on the streets. Chastin was there also protecting her as the duty of a general and also the duty to protect her queen.

The two circled around exploring the planet. It wasn't bad but End could tell there was still more things to work on.

Especially the homeless and the poor.

Probably around 5 streets, they could find at least one homeless or someone who desperately needs money to sustain their family.

And this is in the cities. End doesn't like to imagine what is the rate in the countryside.

Her face always held a frown seeing these people.

Some didn't bother to give the homeless money. Some casually chatted.

There were few men talking about politics where they talk trash about each of the leaders that helps to control the planet. End was the person who controls everything. Those leaders is there for only to watch on the people so no wars break out or anything.

She smiled coldly.

" I like to see you try ruling the whole world on your own some day." She said while walking past them.

The men looked at her. Their eyes widen in shock.

" Scramble off!" Chastin yelled out. They all ran away.

" Bunch of cowards." End muttered. They were able to talk trash about her and the leaders she appointed but wouldn't face it to her.

Suddenly, someone bumped into her. She looked down and saw a young girl. Her skin was slightly tan. She had brown eyes and short dirty blonde hair.

They stared at each for a minute.

" Leah! How many times have I told you if you ever bump into someone. Say sorry!" The mother said as she realizes who her daughter had bumped into. The mother then dragged her away from End.

" Mommy! You never said that!" The young girl protested. Some tears were in the corner of her eyes.The mother looked at End awkwardly.

End however chuckled and looked at the two amusingly. She walked over where the young girl is and went down to her height.

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