His Message

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A few weeks later.........

Everything has been prepared. The burial shrouds have been all done.

Many demigods and hunters gather in one place. Even Artemis and many of the gods and and goddesses attend this funeral for the demigods. And even the titans as well.

They all just sat there listening to each demigod's achievements and then finally it was Sal's turn.

A large vortex was created in the center and Lady Chaos stepped out of it. Everyone stood and bowed which Chaos just nodded and let them sat down.

Chiron cleared his throat.
" Now it is time-." He begin when a small box appeared and dropped into Artemis's hands.
She opened it and there was just a letter there.

From: Sal
To: The Friends From Upstair

Artemis opened it and there was a long essay. The handwriting was wiggly and slightly bad but can still be read.

She looked around and saw Thalia looking at her encouraging her to read it. Artemis stood up and went to Sal's burial shroud. He was silently laying there.

Artemis took a deep breath and started reading.

Bold Letters- The letter

Dear Everyone but Chaos,
Hey there! If you are reading this then I'm probably taking a nap. A long one.
As you can see, this letter is for everyone but Chaos since I got her one already. It be rude if I left her out you know? My mom always say don't be rude to elderly so yeah I had to be nice to her.

" Bastard." Chaos mumbled in a not so serious way.

Anyway first thing first is I have a confession to make. Are you ready for it? Drum rolls please..............
I like seafood. Just kidding. The first confession I want to make is I enjoy being with the hunters.

The hunters smiled at that part.

Why wouldn't I? It's like every man's dream to be with bunch of pretty ladies. But they're quite abusive and mean though.

Their smiles faded slightly at this part.

But I won't complain cause you get what you get and you don't complain.

Second confession is that I'm Percy Jackson. Surprise? Surprise? Anyway that's the two confessions that I'm going to make at my funeral.

How's everyone coping with my death? I'm always so famous so I'm expecting everyone to cry except for Phoebe. Phoebe is probably holding her tears in right now right?

There was one time when Phoebe told me something. Something that I kept to myself and her. She said that my arrival changed them. And helped them learn. But I have something to reply back to you Phoebe. I learned as well not only from the Hunt but also from others. I learned to accept my past and share it to some people and I learn that everyone has a story. A story that they don't want to tell.

And you know what I'm glad that you made me swear on that oath Arty. I'm going to call you Arty in this letter because you can't get me ha! But anyway, I'm glad that you "ask" me to join. Cause, I have more friends to cherish now. Phoebe, Celeste, Aphrodite, Thalia, Ash, the others, and then you the man-hater.

You know guys I realize something. Time really did went past fast this time. And I enjoy being with you guys. Even not for so long. Like the time when I had to help the demigods train.

The time when I slammed my dagger into the tree. Remember when I play hangman? Oh and the ping pong ball that hit Jason in the forehead.

Good times.................

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