Spooky-Dinner with the Devil

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Just as Stassie expected, her entire family was there. We walked in the way Stassie and Evie set us up and someone announced who each of us were. Made me feel extremely important.

"This is the room I was branded in." Stass guided us into a big red dinning room.

I could see her cousins who looked like her. Aunts and Uncles who were also similar in features to the rest of them.

Casual conversation led the night before dinner was served. Stassie introduced me to more members of her family than God could remember. Aunts, Uncles, older cousins, younger cousins, cousins three times removed. Everyone's faces started to blur together.

Mama Patty called for everyone to sit down and enjoy dinner. We did as we were told, Stassie pulled me towards the middle. There were three designated spots plus two in the middle. Evie and Mikey sat down on my right. Stassie and Mama Patty sat to my left. I guess these were for the royal family and their plus ones.

Small plates of food that I could recognized were placed in front of us. One course to the next.

Dinner was silent.

Like drop a pin in the room and we'd hear it.

Stassie sat next to me and I felt like I couldn't even talk to her.

Finally someone drunk Uncle of hers got up and yelled for music, which brought on conversations. I was drawn into a conversation about cooking by Aunt Margot, she was Mama Patty's youngest sister. She told me that Mama Patty was the oldest of twelve kids and she helped raise half of them. We talked about their family, cooking and what not further ignoring others around us.

I guess that wasn't smart because Stassie stood up and started yelling at Thomas and someone other hyna in Gaelic. And before I could clue myself into what they were yelling about Mama Patty calmed down all parties and then we were all brought back to silence.

"Oh for fucks sake. Someone speak." Nicky yelled.

"Um we have an announcement." Connor and his wife, I forgot her name both stood up.

"We're having another kid." 

I poked Stassie in the back but all she did was stand up and clap.

"Congrats." She said. Stass sat back down and looked at me.

"Jesus Christ, those two are a train wreck." I almost spit out my beer.

A round of congratulations went towards the expecting parents and then Ira stood up.

"I thought this was a party!" He yelled and pressed something on his phone.

Soldier Boy started bumping out of the speakers. Everyone under forty was pumped. But the older people cussed and sat down in their chairs.

"Let's dance!" Nicky yelled. Most of us twenty-somethings stood up and went over to Ira and his Soldier Boy dancing willingly. Stassie stood up and pulled me with her towards the growing crowd. We danced and stood there talking to her cousins but the crowd seemed to really condense down and I lost her in the crowd but I still stood around my boys and their rucas.

Then all of a sudden Stassie was being thrusted through the group by the hyna she was previously yelling with.

"I'll fight you. Anytime, any place." This similarly looking puta said to Stassie.

"This is a party. Not a fight club." Stassie turned to walk away but was grabbed.

"Fight me you worthless whore." Stassie landed a slap across her face.

Anger filled my insides but Sad Eyes held me back.

"Not your fight compa." And then Hector stepped in to grab my other shoulder.

"Yeah she's got this Spooky."

I shrugged the two of them off.

Stassie looked at me and I nodded to her.

If she wanted to fight then so be it. 

Her stupid decisions, her own pride.

Sorry for the short chapter. The next couple are gonna be crazy.

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