Eddy's Sweater Weather

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I will keep this video for ever. Dude how can he look so obviously cute in my sweater and how does he dare to go out like this in front of others and can he please never stop wearing my things?

My brain mumbles while I walk into our kitchen to find my best friend standing there, back facing the door, making tea for the two of us and ask "Hey Brett, do you know what the breddy shippers are saying about our last charades?"

I love how he tenses everytime we talk about our shippers, and hey, I'm a Breddy shipper, too. But it's funny to see him struggle with his feelings a bit, so just leave it be.

"You've got your phone in your hands, so tell me?" he tries to ask casually. yes, so casual, almost not blushing. almost.

"okay well..." I change to my high pitched Edwina voice "'Brett looks so cute, what's happening? 'and 'look at his moe fingers '..oh here, it says 'imagine Eddy gave his sweater to Brett because it's sooo cold right now!'" I read while walking closer to him, now standing right behind him.

He turns quickly around, asking "Dude, what are moe fingers?!" just to bump into me and blushing while I grin "That is what's happening to your hands when you tiny thing wear my big sweaters because you love me so much." 

I love your tiny hands - who doesn't? 

"Yeah but I got no choice, since you spilled your boba all over me and I had to change while we were filming at your apartment... so.. so... ..so..."

"Yes, so what?" I like how they fit too perfect into mine.

"So. I couldn't be on the video in nothing but my sweatpants, couldn't I?" he turns away but I clearly can see his ears reddening. gotcha.

After our filming session we sat down to gather our ideas for our next uploads. time flies by with this lovely guy and it starts getting late, dark, rainy and okay a bit chilly for just shirts. I look over to Brett and see how he's curled up at the end of the couch, obviously cold and so I get up, getting him the blanket and laying it around his tiny lovely shoulders and walk over to my room to get me a sweater for myself.

It would be so awesome to be able to get together under the blanket but I fear it would make my heart explode. Yes it would. so much. but maybe one day.

Before returning I take a deep breath and then sit down closer to Brett and start scribbling down an idea for valentines day. How about a skit with Edwina and Brett about living together? That would be fun, yes. Eddy just leave the grinning inside your mind, don't let him see


WOAH okay don't startle me when my mind is full of cheezy things and oh I need to react or answer

"hm?" smooth. Eddy. smooth. didn't even look up.

"uhm... mind switching?"

I look up, my mind's on hold with Edwina flirting with Brett and tries to follow Brett's question. "switching what?"

Brett scoots back to his edge of the couch, mumbling a "nevermind, bro. sorry" into the blanket when I realize his gaze to my sweater. I couldn't help but start laughing because he's too cute!!!!!! So I take off my sweater which was just getting warm and cozy with a "do you really want my sweater that much? bro what should I tell our fans?"

And see him blush really hard.

"actually" he says pianissimo "I'd prefer cuddles?" and holds the blanket open.


wait, what?

did he really?

the happy feeling inside my chest throws all imaginary flirting from Edwina and Brett aside and I jump into his open arms "dude I thought you'd never ask!!!", pressing my face right into his shirt to keep his gaze away from my blushing cheeks. Brett didn't seem to expect that move so he holds still, arms and blanket still open and my mind starts counting one...two...okay you need to breathe?...three... and finally he wraps his arms around me and I feel myself exhale into his embrace.

I could stay like this forever.

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