Bedtime - Eddy

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I knew he'll be sick the moment his head hit my shoulder. We were in the bus back from our shoot and Brett fell asleep soon. His head was feverish hot and with some hand signs I begged Kate to drop us together off at his home. She even helped me getting him off the car and into the bed.

So now I'm here, with the love of my life knocked out and panting on his bed.

But there's no time for dirty thoughts, I need to change him from his sweaty clothes and maybe I should get a wet towel to freshen him up a bit.

His slender but muscular body is glowing from the fever. I could drool but I concentrate on making him feel better, so I wipe his body with the wet cloth and put a new shirt on. Maybe I should change it later again. In his sleep he snuggles into my arm and I suppress a squeak. That's too adorable! But okay he's sick and I'm here to help. Eddy, keep calm!

Tucked under his blanket, he starts to snore slightly. So I leave the room to get him something to drink and some cough drops, because usually when Brett gets sick, he coughs a lot. So I get some drops from my bag and put them onto his nightstand together with a cold bottle of sparkling water.

The night gets even darker and Brett's still hot. Not sexy hot, well yes, also sexy hot but I mean feverish hot. So occasionally I wipe his face with the cloth and hold his hand while he wheezes.

With one kiss on the back of his hand, I leave the room to get me something to drink and to go through the bathroom. I'm tired and since Brett seems to sleep tight, I could afford some hours of rest, too.

And then it happens. Dude, really? I'm with you the whole time and this 2 minutes I'm sitting on the toilet I can hear you choke your life out.

By the time I'm back, Brett is in his dreams again. Good, he found the water and drops. Quickly I change his shirt once more and refill the bottle and put one ice cube inside. I hope it will keep the water cool until tomorrow.

Holding his hand, I study his face in the dark. His long long eyelashes dance with every eye movement. His red lips tempt me but I won't take them while he's asleep. At least I try.

Maybe I should go sleep on the couch, so I start to move, but before I could move my hand away, his fingers intertwine with mines and I am pulled back onto the ground.

He's cute.

I love him so much.

I hope he'll get well soon.

Cautiously I press a kiss onto his forehead and snuggle into his matress.

And I'm out like a light, holding his hand.

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