The Audition

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God, am I nervous. I tap some bolero with my feet on the ground. Waiting for the train to arrive. For the n-th time I look into my bag. Okay the sheets for the accompany guy are still there. Like 3 seconds before. With my violin on my back I sway forth and back. Still 5 minutes till the train arrives?! Why does the time go this slow on mornings like this??

I know. The required pieces aren't too difficult. I've played harder pieces. But this one is special, to me. It's the orchestra Eddy plays and so the longing to get in is immense.

He made me the cutest nervous-meal this morning. A flat white and light porridge. I still couldn't get anything down. We sat there in a comfortable silence and we heard or nerves dance around. It was a huge thing when they found out that their beloved concertmaster was gay and has a boyfriend. It was an even more huge thing when they found out it was me, Brett Yang, the youngest soloist in the southern hemisphere, who suddenly stopped touring after a full sold-out world tour.

They still don't know that I'm applying for the place as assistant concertmaster. Okay the people reading my vita know. But that's the minority at orchestral auditions, so... Surprise, I guess? Eddy left before me and so I'm alone on my way now.

Sitting in the train, my phone vibrates.

Eddy♡: you will do just fine. Breathe!

So I take a deep breath and step out at the next station.

- - - - -

The audition went...quite well, I think? I was nervous as heck when I saw how the whole orchestra was waiting there. They knew beforehand, I think such things as having a soloist play for them isn't something regularly happen.

Eddy, as the concert master, was sitting in the front row. And he knows me too well. He had his little koala key charm sitting on the desk. Since he musn't vote, he was chilling there, smiling and nodding from time to time.

I gave my Mozart and Tchaik to my best and, to be honest, I wasn't as bad as I was feeling.

Too bad I have to return home alone, because like before, Eddy was sitting in the auditions for the other contestants.

Getting the keys out to open the door, I notice a tiny letter in our mailbox.

To Brett Yang.

I don't know how Eddy put this in before leaving this morning, but maybe I was too nervous to find it. But this is Eddy's handwriting, so shutting the door behind me, I open the envelope.

Dude, how nervous have you been, that you couldn't see this before the audition? Gotcha ;)
I know how you play and you did amazing, you know? Thanks for coming home. I have a boba in the fridge for you! Kanpai!

He got me. So I enter the kitchen and open the fridge. The waiting tea has a note, too.

I love you!

And I can't stop smiling. How long are we dating now? Almost 4 years? This is amazing. It never gets boring and my touring years were so hard for our relationship. But now I want to settle down here, with my Eddy.

Sipping my tea, I slump down on the couch. How long does he need to be there? And...when they decide, is he allowed to tell me straight away? Or does he have to stay quiet until the orchestra is reaching out officially? That would kill me. And Eddy for sure.

- - -

What's that sound? Clink clink? Ding ding? I open my eyes and see Eddy set the table in the kitchen. What time is it? When did I fall asleep on the couch? I don't know but it's really comfy under the blanket... Wait, blanket? Eddy seems to notice my movement and turns around.

"Good evening mister, I thought you might be cold, sleeping there with your cute belly naked. Are you hungry? We still have cake left over from yesterday."

"You could've waken me up, you know?" I say, standing up. "I love your mom's baked cake. And how was your day, how were the other contestants?"

Eddy moves the chair for me. "Come on, sit down already. I need to tell you something."

Nervously I take my place and fidget with the hem of my shirt.

Pouring some cold coffee into our glasses, he starts "You know I wasn't allowed to vote today, right?" I nod, eying every move of him. "Not just yours but also every other contestant. So that I'm not voting them bad that you're going to get the job. I was able to talk with the others because my opinion did matter, all about the techniques or musicality. But the final voting and decisions were made without me."

I'm not able to move. And Eddy's sitting down, putting my piece of cake in front of me. "Just that you know, you played perfect. I loved every sound of your piece, each and every melody was wonderful. It was even way better than yesterday's practice session. But my opinion didn't matter." His hand comes over the table, wanting to hold mine. I reach over as I am told by his wiggling fingers.

"Congratulations, my love. The whole orchestra voted for you to sit by my side. Even our grumpy tuba-guy." Laughing, he squeezes my hand. And my heart jumps up and down. Did I get it right?

I feel a biiig weight get off my chest and with a biiig exhale I feel how my eyes get teary. "Whoa whoa hey there!" Eddy jumps up and comes over, pulling me into a biiig hug. Kissing my head, temple, cheek, neck, ear, back to my head. And I'm just holding his shirt in my fists, crying into his embrace like a little child. Patting my back, Eddy continues "Bretty, how could you not get in? You're the most talented musician I know and it's more of an embarrassment for me to sit first chair when you're way better than me." And with a chuckle, he adds "do you even know what a pressure is on me now?"

I tilt my head up, smiling through tears "I'll poke you with my bow every time you play out of tune. You're welcome. Do I get my reward kiss now?"

And than, this handsome guy, holding me in his arms, licks his lips. And closes the gap between us.

My reward tastes like tears, love and a little bit of cheesecake.

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