The Cat

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I don't know how we ended up in his bed, half naked and Eddy on top of me. His warm hands moving up and down, tracing my spine and pushing his fingers into my back.

With every move I try to surpresses a moan and so I gasp into his pillow from time to time. Eddy, humming, reaches over to his night stand, gets some aroma oil and gives some drops into his palms. The room starts to smell like black tea with honey lemon and I relax into the warmth of Eddy's touch. Feeling his hands push onto my pained back makes me feel good. After hours of practicing I said something about how my back hurts and Eddy gently offered a massage and BOI this is good. His calloused fingers pushing into my muscles, his warm hands gliding over my skin, his deep voice humming to the music, quietly sounding from my phone on the night stand.

Melting into his touch, I sigh "Eddy, can you do this every day, please?"

I hear him chuckle and push even harder into my back. "If you want me to?"

And with a "Yesssss..." I sink back into his pillow again.

After a while, Eddy starts to caress my back, not pushing into my muscles anymore. Tracing every inch of my skin he softly touches every inch of my back, going down to the hem of my sweats. I am deeply relaxed. This is heaven.

Suddenly I feel something soft in my neck. I want to ask Eddy what's going on but all I can get out of my puddle of a body is a "mmmhh?" into his bed. And then I notice. His breath on my neck. His lips wander down my spine. He leaves a line of kisses down my back until he arrives at my lower back.

"Brett" I can feel his words on my skin "you look gorgeous. Can you please be here every day, please?"

His voice is sending shivers down my spine and I answer "If you want me to?"

Kissing my back up again, he whispers "Yes."


"3...2...1...go. Hello, welcome back to another very short and sweet episode of TwoSet Violin!" Ding Ding!!

The whole time my back tingles, but I can't sit in front of the camera and wriggle on my chair. But looking through the most talented subreddit on the internet is always fun and we're not on the focus, so I'm fine. My back still is burning from Eddy's touches yesterday. I can't concentrate on the posts but this cat is really cute...

Suddenly Eddy turns to me and says "it's getting a back massage... I would love to get a massage..." and winks with the eye which isn't seen on camera! I try not to blush and close my eyes. I can't look at him now! "Please anyone, just... We need a massage..."


Turning the camera off, I feel Eddy's arms wrap around me and with a hug he whispers into my ear "So who's gonna get the massage today?"

Short Mini TwoSet FluffsWhere stories live. Discover now