Love To Go

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This is for cute_breddy and you know why!

"Are you sure you want this job? I know you are still in uni but it's your last year and you could use your time for practice and auditions. And it's a coffeeshop, right? So you're working in the morning?"

Eddy nods and gives me a reassuring smile. "Yeah it won't be long-term, just while Jake is on tour and after these two months I am free again. So bear with it. But we're living together, so we'll be fine! And it's mostly on weekends, do not worry, I will find my time to practice! We'll be okay!"


It's SO not true. I'm not okay. He's working so much and while I'm at home he's working and when I leave for rehearsals he comes home. He's in bed when I return so I have to sneak in quietly. But before I wake up he leaves early and it's like we're only sharing seeping time. It's just one week since he started this temporary job but I feel exhausted already. 

It's sunday, I have a concert later and he's not around. Again. I stomp through our apartment into the kitchen and stop dead. There's a to-go-cup on the counter. And with Eddy's handwriting, there's a note written on it:

Love, I miss you. Have a nice concert tonight! 7 weeks to go!

And the simpleminded guy I am, my mood brightens and I think, we'll manage that. 


Eddy makes a habit of bringing me some coffee from time to time. And the caring boyfriend he is, he knows the days I am more stressed and I can count on him to get me coffee on such days. That's cute.

Mostly there are short notices like

Have you been sleeping well?

I miss your deadpan face!

Tiny lovely koala, I loved cuddling last night!

I miss our practice time together! 3 weeks to go!

and I'm excited about new cups every week.

Today I have to leave for a three-days-two-nights-concert trip, the orchestra is going to play in Sydney for the next two evenings.

Stepping into the kitchen, I find a whole paper bag with a letter.

I know you'd have to leave without my bye-kiss, but take care and come back safely! I have a day off on Sunday so when you're coming home, I'll be here! Looking forward to see, hug and kiss you while you're awake ;)
Love, Eddy

I chuckle, open the bag and fetch my lunch. There's a cookie and Mini-Sandwich inside and on my cup, the note.

I love you so much, don't forget that!

Looking at his handwriting, I hold back my tears. I love him. And I was so frustrated with not being able to talk to him these weeks. But Eddy must've been lonely as well. I'm the only one receiving and Eddy is still giving so much to me. And what are we, highschool sweethearts? We're grown adults and we can manage 2 months of being apart like this.

I run back into our sleeping room, pulling out my favourite hoodie. Mine, not Eddy's. And get my cologne, giving this hoodie one spray of it and pull it over my head. While I pack my things for the trip, I wear this hoodie, even with the heat outside. Maybe sweating a bit won't be bad. After finished packing and eating my lunch, I take out my letterset (sorry mom for asking who's gonna write letters these days when you bought me this) and grab a pen.

One hour later I leave the house, violin and suitcase with me, my hoodie with the letter on Eddy's pillow.


Sunday Sunday Sunday and today I'm going home where my Eddy is yayyyy! I send him a quick message with my estimated arriving time and shortly after that, his response is here.

Eddy (11:32): sorry koala, I have to jump in, 2 girls got sick today. Won't be home till late. Sorry sorry sorry.

Followed by the next message.

Eddy (11:33): but Tuesday is my last day here, how about going on a date on Wednesday? I love you so much!

I sigh. Okay. Two more days. I can Händel that. Sure I can. I know I can.


Returning home, the apartment is empty. I feel empty. There's no coffee in the kitchen. I unpack my things and walking into the bedroom, I see my hoodie wrinkled and obviously used to snuggle and my letter neatly folded on his nightstand. The sight makes me smile and I flop down on our bed.

When I wake up from my small nap, I feel warm. There's a nice smell in the room, I'm under Eddy's blanket and I hear someone humming in the living room.

So I jump up and almost fall against the door, tripping over my bag.

"Eddy!" I shout and throw the door open, causing my beloved boyfriend to jump off the couch, hiding something in his pocket.

"Dude, you scared me!" in contrary to his words he smiles and comes over to pull me into a warm embrace. I put my arms around his neck, pulling him down into a kiss. His lips meet mine and it feels so good, his soft, warm lips, tasting like Chocolate?

I pull away and ask "did you eat sweets without me?" and scold him playfully with a slap on his shoulder. He laughs and pulls me towards the couch. "Nah, way better! Come here, sit down!"

When I take my designated seat, he passes me a coffee to go cup which smells like hot chocolate.

Brett Yang, my tiny koala

is written in Eddy's handwritten on it.

"Turn it around! Turn it around!" a very excited Eddy jumps up and down. Chuckling I turn the cup around. And, surprised, look up to a kneeling Eddy in front of me.

Will you marry me?

He pulls a small velvet box out of his pocket and holds it up. Smiling.

Tears stream down over my cheeks and I see a lovely blur moving towards me.

"Is that box the reason you went to work so much?" I ask and he gives a shy nod. "I wanted to surprise you with the best I could afford. And then the offer from Jake came in. So I had to."

A moment of silence fell upon us, Eddy still holding the box and me wiping my face with my sleeve. Then I sit straight up to tell Eddy my answer.

"Yes, Eddy Chen, I want to marry you."

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