Professional vs Beginner - Percussionist

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"Brett, hey Brett, wait for me!"

Eddy tried to catch up on Brett, who stormed out of the room and ran the hallway down.

"Brett, stop!"

"Leave me alone. I'm just getting some coffee, so stay!"

Eddy could only stop and watch his best friend run outside, off the campus grounds. So he turns back, into the hall where we just finished shooting a video.

Brent's POV

"Dude, everything's allright with him?" I ask Eddy right away when he entered back.

"I don't know what happened but I think we can just wait here for his return?" Eddy seems to be very confused by the sudden outburst and slumps down on the chair besides the timpani.

"I never saw him that upset. What did we do?"

I approach him and take a seat next to him. "You have no clue?"

It's funny, watching these two. Brett, who's obviously having a crush on Eddy. Eddy, who's oblivious to Brett's affection.

It's funny, playing a bit with these two. So I scoot a bit towards Eddy and put a hand on his knee. "Just wait for him to calm down and come back. He wouldn't leave you alone here for too long."


"Trust me, honey." I smirk.

And as if on cue, Brett comes in with three coffees on tray, freezing as he sees me patting Eddys leg a bit too long - in his opinion.

"What... are you doing?" I'm not sure if he's asking me or Eddy, but he's clearly distressed by the sight. And it amuses me even more to see Eddy jump up to run to Brett, throwing his arms around the smaller one and saying "sorry sorry sorry I don't know what I did wrong besides playing ravel like that but I'm really sorry and don't be mad at me!"

Wow, if stares could kill, I'm a dead guy by now. I chuckle, take my bag and toss it over my shoulder. "So if we're done, I'm going to practice a bit. Thanks for having me!" 

Going home, I send a quick text to both of these guys. 

Brett's POV

The whole way home I'm fuming. How can Eddy NOT see Brent was flirting with him. The more they got to the end of filming, the more did Brent looked with these goddamn cute eyes at Eddy. My Eddy! Did you catch the look in his eyes when he stopped the triangle for Eddy?! I wasn't sure if he's gonna throw himself on Eddy that second! And how can Eddy let himself touch so easily when I'm not there?!? I know, Brent's a nice guy, he's a reliable friend and he has this addicting smile but I am approaching Eddy for such a long time now and he doesn't get it! 

Or ... maybe he doesn't want to get it? And With Brent, it's okay?

My phone buzzes and I look over to Eddy, who's driving us home. Opening the message, I am confused.

"Trust me, little one, I just want to see you two together!"

Us two? Like, Eddy and me? Not Eddy with him? Uhm... what was the flirting before?

Thinking that, Eddy's phone makes a pling to notify an incoming message. 

Eddy's POV

I'm kind of uncomfortable with this hot fuming guy in the passenger seat. Did I mention that it's actually really hot when Brett is angry? But I hope I'm not at fault, because I really can't remember what I would have done wrong. But when he's in his thoughts and bites his lips like that, it really makes it hard for me to concentrate on driving. I would love to bite his lips like that. 

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