Summer Sea

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I love this shootings outside. When the sun is not so damn hot. When there's nobody else here because it's a place far away from all the touristy things. When Eddy is here with me.

Thanks to Corelli I get to be outside with Eddy together, but noone else. That's like the beginning of twoset, when there was no big crew helping out. I love our crew but it is different, you know?

Eddy stands there, wearing our new shirt and looks... just wow. The sun makes his skin shine like honey, the sea sparkles around his feet and the wind plays with his hair. I'm awestruck and Eddy has the perfect body for this kind of shirt. His arms look so damn hot in this shirt and I saw his abs when the wind blew a bit stronger than now. I must say, I have to stay strong or I'll die in a puddle of drool...

We jump around in the water and it is a bit chilly but the sun isn't high yet so it feels really good. The sea is sparkling, there are some light clouds floating in the blue sky and we're here all alone. And Eddy wiggles with his toes in the water. Laughing like a small child, he watches as the water drops move slowly down his ankle.

There used to be our friendship anklet before but they broke. Luckily we had both of our anklets fall off at the same time, so we put them in a tiny box and stored it into the drawer besides our bed.

I look up from the camera when I hear Eddy call my name, which is like a wonderful melody to my ears and see him jump around. Water splashing around and his gorgeous laughter makes me want to stop the time.


The sun's too high now and it's getting hotter, so we decide to return home. The two-hours-drive before us, we couldn't stay too long and get too tired. So we pack up and put everything back into our car. Shutting the door, Eddy turns around, shouts "Who's first at la mer!?" and dashes towards the sea. Without thinking too long, I also start to run and so we make our race towards the water and of course Eddy, the one with the long legs and first start, is the winner. seeing him laughing so happily is everything I could wish for!

...but I'm a bit mad, because that was a very unfair race. So I kick water into his face and his laughter drops dead.

"Brett Yang." he glares at me, "Prepare yourself." And with that, he jumps up and tackles me down.


"Good thing we brought more than one set of merch today." I chuckle while Eddy pulls over to the highway. After his attack I pulled him down into the water and so we both got soaked wet and walked back to the car, dripping, drenched, but very giggly and happy.

"We could've stayed a bit longer there, so the sun could've dried us up, you know?" Eddy's still smiling and hums to the radio. Before I could answer something like 'my poor skin' he adds blushing "But I'd rather go back, you looked too cute in that merch. And damn hot the moment you were dripping wet."

Mouth agape I look over to him. " Who's the hot one, showing too much body with no shirt under the merch..? Dude I would've eaten you alive if we weren't outside." I say half-joking, half-serious.

Eddy understands. He just does.

The rest of the way home we sit in silence, but the moment Eddy stops the car and pulls the keys out, he leans over, directly to my ear.

"Brett Yang," he whispers, "Prepare yourself."

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