Coffee - Brett's Hands

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"Ooooh these mugs are cute! I like koalas!"

Eddy gives me a beaming smile with the hot coffee. I don't know who's hotter. Coffee or Eddy.

After calling him in, time flew by and now, sitting in the kitchen, it's way past noon. The hot guy, still smiling, takes a seat besides me and leans his head on my shoulder.

"May I ask", he starts and I really need to hold my pokerface "when did you know I was there?"

"Since you've made yourself comfortable on the couch."

He jumps up and nearly gave me a headbutt. "So you knew the whole time?!"

I gave in and snicker "yeah, I cracked the door open a bit so you could notice. But, I must admit, it was quite a gamble. "

"A gamble? Why?" the puzzled look in Eddy's eyes is also hot. Wow, these eyes.

"Look, I was lucky you were watching and obviously taking pleasure in what you saw. But you could've run away."

"But that's quite a tough gamble, you know?"

Now I lean my head onto his shoulder and feel his arms go around me.

"Nah, I knew you wouldn't be disgusted, that was enough to know."

"That's some confidence you have there, Bretty" he hugs me tightly and snuggles into my neck full of hickeys.

I put my hands onto his lap and whisper "Next time you 'dream' about me, you shouldn't moan my name so loudly. That could wake me up again."

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