Violin Concerto 3rd movement

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I still can't figure out what these two want to share with me. I kinda get "It's not what it sounded like", "don't think that way", "no you don't understand", but also "Brett is a monster" and "Eddy's just too weak" and my head is spinning.

Two or three teas later, they finally calm down and we can start over again.

"So my two little lovebirds, what happened yesterday?" I lean back and try to stay calm and not jump around in nervousness. I'm the oldest one here. So I have to keep calm.

Eddy and Brett start at the same time, sounding like "BrEddydidwantsogotomakeuswait" - then they stop, look at each other, blush, smile, awwwww they're so adorable! and Eddy nods, telling Brett to speak.

"Eddy wanted to make us dinner but the kitchen was looking like a battlefield after 5 minutes so we decided to go out, getting something before we go to your concert, which was, by the way, amazing! And so Eddy picked this little asian fusion food store which I wanted to go for a long time and it was so good! And you know, while we were there... so I wanted to ask, really, but Eddy beat me to it and asked if I would..." and there he gets even redder "if I would be his boyfriend." Did I say how adorable this shy smile towards Eddy is? And Eddy's lovely grin as a response!

Now it's Eddy's turn to go further "And Brett was obviously happy to be able to finally become mine." he lays an arm around Brett's shoulders, looking really content.

"And that's the reason", I get in "you both came almost too late to the concert?"

Brett shifts slightly towards Eddy and says "yeah, we wanted to ... take a walk together so we could hold... you know. Hands. And then the way was a bit longer than expected and..." He leans his head onto Eddy's shoulder. The younger one resting his head onto the other. May I take a picture? I need this as my homescreen.

"Okay and what about the time I gave you after the concert? I really was ... uhm. Not expecting that.... you know? uhm... what happened? Not in detail, of course, please."

I'm curious. But it's private, after all. But I want to know. Captain Ray, full steam ahead!

They giggle in sync AWWWWW I'm dead! and Eddy whispers "You know, Ray. Brett is a machine. After you dumped us we didn't go out as planned and returned back home. We talked about your concert and Brett was so in awe, he said we could try to play like you. So we locked us up into our studio and played almost the whole night. I was SO dead tired but Brett can play like a god when he wants to play like you!" - "Heyyy!" here comes Brett, "that makes me sound like a lazy one, who doesn't want to play like a god most of the time!"

Eddy ignores his boyfriend's words, patting his arm and continues "and so we played until morning and when I woke up after our short night my back hurt so much! I didn't know how tense my hand gets, when I have to play so many octaves! And I couldn't move much, so I joked and told Brett he has to go alone." He turns to Brett, pouting "I didn't think you really would go without me and so when I drifted off again I didn't notice you actually went off!"

Mouth agape I listen to the story and I'm a bit ashamed of myself. How could I think dirty of this pure, innocent violin-nerds?

"Guys, today's on me. Where do we wanna go?"

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