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"You don't need to drool, wanna have some?" Brett laughs and breaks his cookie in two. "Thanks, bro." Eddy takes his share and stuffs it into his mouth.

"No problem," Brett smiles, "I like sharing with you."

. . .

"You cold?" Eddy watches how Brett snuggles into his sweater, pulling the sleeves over his hands. "Nah, not really...just a bit... Maybe." The older one inhales the scent of the borrowed sweater. Eddy blushes and mumbles "Sorry bro I didn't do the laundry yet. If it smells, just tell me." Hearing this, Brett looks up, waving hectically with the too long sleeves "Oh no no no thank you for lending me this, it's really comfy and warm! Sorry for giving you the trouble of bringing me your hoodie!"

"No problem", Eddy smiles, "I like sharing with you."

. . .

Chewing his last bubbles, Brett looks over to Eddy. His bubbletea is still half full and Eddy is tapping something on his phone. Slowly Brett pushes his hand over the table. The younger one, absorbed in his phone, doesn't seem to notice the attempted crime. Very, very slowly Brett pulls the cup towards himself, taking a silent sip. The first bubble getting through the straw made a popping noise. But Eddy still doesn't look up. Pushing the cup quietly back, Brett eyes his best friend suspiciously. "Eddy?"

"No problem", Eddy smiles, still looking down, "I like sharing with you."

. . .

"It's in the midst of summer and you're catching a cold? How is that even possible?!" Brett laughs and pulls a blanket out of his closet. Eddy, sitting already in front of the camera, sneezes into his handkerchief, and mumbles "I don't know, right? How lame... And we wanted to film so much this week..." Brett covers Eddy's lap with the blanket, who chuckles, seeing the viola king printed on it. "And I thought this was your favorite blanket? Thank you." Eddy blushes slightly, asking this.

"No problem", Brett smiles, "I like sharing with you."

. . .

Sitting in a small booth in their favorite coffeeshop, both boys lean over the table. All scattered over, there are plans of incomes, savings and blueprints of apartments. The boys sketch something onto the plans and scribble some other things onto other plans.

"Dude it's way over our budget to live here." Eddy exclaims, leaning onto the table. Brett, patting his friends back of the head, chuckles. "Nah we just have to be more patient. There will be an apartment for us, I guarantee you." His slender fingers play with Eddy's hair and Eddy melts into the light massage.

"Bro, what about the bright one here?" Brett pulls another sheet out to ask Eddy. "Did I tell you to stop?" Eddy pouts. "You can have that every day once we're living together." Eddy blushes and scans the said apartment. "This has a nice room for our studio. But it's one room missing. Look. Studio." He draws a S into one room. "and here, besides the kitchen, the living room." Drawing a L, he moves towards the last room. "And this? Yours, because this was your idea." B.

Putting the pen down, he crosses his arms. "And where do I sleep, Brett?

Brett takes the pen and scribbles edroom behind the letter last written.

"No problem", Brett smiles, "I like sharing with you."

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