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I'm here :)

"What do you need to live?"

I look up from my phone. Walking home from practicing in the uni, I didn't notice the old lady sitting on the roadside.

"Sorry?" I ask her confused. But she doesn't look up and repeats her question again.

"Good boy, what do you need to live?"

Okay this is creepy so I walk past the lady and go home. Shutting the door, I think about her question. What do I need? And as on cue, my stomach growls deep and loud and I go check my fridge.

What do I need to live?

Meal. And a cup of water.

. . .

On my way to the uni today, I don't meet her again. I feel uneasy, thinking about that creature. Something felt familiar but also so strange. And a bit scary.

What do I need to live?

A peaceful mindset? No disturbing things. My everyday routine.

. . .

Today she is there, sitting on the street and watching me walking past her. I try to focus on my phone, playing a random game but as I turn around the corner, I can feel her question.

"What do you need to live?"

And I start to run through the summer heat. I run home and slam the door.

What do I need to live?

A big glass of water and a shower.

. . .

The following days she's always there. Not on the same spot but always around the same corner. After uni. After lessons. After practice or playing with Eddy. After filming with him. After going out with friends. And it's always the same. She doesn't change her question, it is always the same. It's always creepy and I'm starting to get scared.

What do I need to live?

My safe space.

. . .

Now, returning late from playing quartet at Eddy's, she's here again. But today, she looks up, her almost white eyes stare right at me.

"Good boy, what do you need to live?" her voice is quiet, but clear.

A shiver runs down my spine and I speed up. I need to change my route home. I grab my phone and start a call.

"Heya did you forget something?" Eddy's voice on the other side makes me feel better immediately. "Nah just wanted to talk to you. Nothing in particular." I can hear him laugh quietly. "Bro we just parted ways, we were rehearsing with the others like... 5 minutes ago!" And I can't hide a smile. "Oh only 5 minutes ago? Feels like ages! I already miss y'all!"

Reaching my house, I tell Eddy goodnight and crawl into my bed.

What do I need to live?

My good friends.

. . .

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay at yours for the next days?" Eddy looks a bit shy which gives me a warm feeling in my guts. After the mysterious call yesterday he didn't give in so I had to tell him about that strange lady. I even dreamed about her and woke up today fully soaked in cold sweat.

Reaching for my bottle of water, I try to sort my thoughts. "Thanks bro, but I think it's okay. I'm just a bit tired. Wanna go get some boba after this?" Eddy nods but looks like he wanted to say something.

Short Mini TwoSet FluffsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz