Bedtime - Brett

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I don't know how I got home, I don't know how I changed into my practice shirt and I don't know how I got into bed to sleep.

But I'm back awake, in my bed, coughing and sweating like an idiot.

Yesterday's shoot was quite fun but it was damn cold. Taking pictures for spring in winter seems common and the sunlight and the timing and bla bla but it was damn cold. So no wonder I got sick but I didn't expect it to be so hard. But on the way home I fell asleep and somehow I got from the crew bus into my bed.

Coughing I reach out to turn the bed light on and there I find my bottle of water and some peppermint drops.

I take a big gulp from the cold water. The sparkling water scratches my throat from the inside and eases the pain. Then I take one peppermint drop and fall back into the dreamless sleep.

The next time I wake up, I feel slightly better. The sun shines through the curtains and my head doesn't feel like being under a truck anymore. But my throat still hurts. When I sit up, the wet towel drops from my forehead down onto my lap. I open the bottle again and drink half of the cold water down. Wait. It's still cold? And the bottle is full? The moment I turn my head I jump in surprise.

Eddy's sitting on the floor besides my bed, head resting on my matress. He seems asleep.

Did he take care of me? That would explain how I got home, changed and fresh. Looking down, I see a bumblebee fly over my shirt. So he did change me even in the night? The towels still cold and wet so he must've changed it from time to time. And he refilled my water.

Maybe it's because I'm sick. Maybe I'm too emotional right now. But I feel tears well up and roll down my cheeks.

I couldn't be happier with this guy at my side.

Okay maybe I'm just sick and emotional.

And I'm tired.

I throw my spare blanket over Eddy's shoulders. I hope he's not getting sick.

Cautiously I press a kiss onto his head and snuggle back into my pillow.

And I'm out like a light again.

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