Your Koala

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"Are you sure it's not strange? Or even creepy?"

For the fourths time I try to grab the plushie out of Belle's hands. But she holds right into it and laughs "No I think it's a wonderful idea! And I want to know what he thinks!"

Before I can take the plushie away, she dances out of my front door.

"I'll let you know when I'm done dropping your precious gift off!" And she's gone.

Was the name tag too much? Does he want to have a koala named after me? Oh wait maybe he wants to name him? Uh oh I shouldn't have made the tag. Whaaaat should I do if he doesn't like it?

For about one hour I pace around, thinking in circles. That gift was a collaboration between Belle and I, because she said Eddy would love it. And I wanted to make him happy. And I wanted to know whether he would like...the koala.

* * * * *

Chewing my last bite of toast I run through the apartment and get my keys. And Shoes. No wait, socks first.

Ray's joining us and I'll see my crush Eddy, not Ray for the first time in days. For the first time since the koala arrived at his home and Belle didn't tell me yet what he was saying about it. So I'm kinda nervous.

* * * * *

I don't get anything awkward while we're sitting together, actually it's like nothing happened.

Maybe Belle didn't give the plushie to Eddy yet? Maybe he didn't want it?

Looking around the living room I can't find a trace of the koala. Until Ray storms out of Eddy's room after spilling his drink over Eddy.

"I know I wanted to get you a new shirt, but look what I found!" And there he is. Tiny Brett in his arms, looking reproachfully at us.

"Dude, you're sleeping with an enormous koala in your bed?!" Ray laughs and dances with the plushie around the table. Tossing Eddy's shirt into his face, he snuggles into the Koala-Brett. "Wow he's super soft and cuddly!"

I can't stand to see Brett being cuddled by any other guy than Eddy, so I stand up to rescue him.

Taking Koala-Brett away I feel the soft fur and snuggle into it.

"So soft..." I smile towards Eddy, "and you're letting this cute buddy sleep in your bed?"

I love the thought of being cuddled in Eddy's bed.

"Yeah", he takes Koala-Brett from my hands, blushing, "My sister gave it to me this week." and hurries over to put him back into his bed. Lovely.

* * * * *

I'm so frickin nervous. Eddy's at the door, sending Ray off and I'm waiting to confront him about that koala.

I can hear his footsteps. He's coming back.

"So, you're sleeping with that big fluff in bed?" I try to sound casual and smile towards him. But Eddy stares at me and comes over, takes a seat behind my back and slowly learning towards me. And I respond with my weight onto his back.

"Yeah. Did you see?" Without hesitation, he asks.

So he did find the tag. Okay it was kind of obvious.

"Yup. But I guess Ray didn't." I hope he didn't.

"It wasn't my idea, though. It's a gift from my sister. But I don't hate it." Eddy tries to explain. As if I wouldn't know. But how should he know?

"So you don't need me anymore? Is that koala taking my place?" I giggle and I feel Eddy relax behind my back.

"When did you sleep in my bed?" Eddy's giggle wiggles on my back.

"Not yet but I'd like to."

Oops. Was that too direct?

I listen into the silence and I think I can feel his racing heartbeat through our backs reach mine.

"Don't you think it will be cramped with two koalas and me there?" After a whole amount of time, Eddy asks quietly. And I feel a tap against the back of my hand. And I instinctively grab his hand and hold into it.

"It's not about the space. I don't know if you can handle two cuddly koalas with your arms." My hand is sweaty but I don't want to let go now.

Eddy doesn't seem wanting to let go neither, because he leans his head against mine and intertwines our fingers.

"If it's with you, I can handle everything. And you're the only koalas I'd allow in my bed."

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