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"What?" I put my phone down and look up. Eddy's cheeks are red and he smiles towards me. "Sorry. What?" Maybe I didn't quite hear it right.

"I said, I am going out tomorrow. Bro, what shall I wear and where could we go after the aquarium?"

I take a deep inhale and try to focus. Clothing. "You look good in your practice period shirt." I take my glasses of and wipe them clean. I need to concentrate. Brett, don't cry. Not now.

"No I don't want merch tomorrow. I need cool things."

Did he just say our merch is not cool? Wasn't that the suppose of them, being cool musician clothing's? Inhale. I bite my lips. Don't cry. Be a good friend. "Then how about your black shirt and the wine red cardigan? The one with the blue hem. That's simple but cool. And if you take the black button down, you look hot." The last sentence came out before I could stop it. But maybe he doesn't give a duck.

"Oh that's good, thanks, bro." How I hate this word. Bro. As long as we're not these family-but-non-blood-related-bros, who fall madly in love with each other. Like in animes and mangas.

Okay, we're not.

"Bro I'm so nervous. Do you have some advices for me tomorrow?"

I take his hand, pull him up and start to drag him towards the front door. "My advice? Go home, go to bed and don't sleep in tomorrow. Sleep tight, little one!" Patting his back reassuringly, I push him out into the darkness of the night.

And with a click, my door is shut.

Through a blur of tears, I walk back, turn my phone off and fall into my bed. The big plushie racoon called Ed looks at me with pitiful eyes.

"Oh come on, shut up." I mumble into his belly as I snuggle up into his fluffy embrace.

Every now and then I change my crying position because Ed gets wet and salty. Until I hear my phone vibrate. Didn't I turn it off? I stumble into the living room, see "mom" calling and pick up. "What?"

"Why you not back home yet, lah? Didn't I tell you to be here for dinner, Eddy?"

What? I rub my eyes. And see my phone, turned off, on the couch.

"Oh uhm I'm sorry, auntie, here's Brett. Eddy forgot his phone here but he's on his way home already." I sniff into my sleeve.

Auntie Chen seems to pick up too quickly, just like mom's do. "Oh dear, everything alright? Did my dumb son make you cry? Shall I kung pao his chicken?"

"Oh no auntie, your son didn't do anything wrong. He's going out tomorrow and just wanted some advices from me." I smile. I really like her.

There's silence on the other end but then a small sigh. "Brett, so Eddy has date tomorrow, lah? Why?" I chuckle. "You ask me? Maybe because he likes that girl?"


"No no no no Brett, no. Eddy not dumb. He head over heels for you, I assure you. And what that girl is about, auntie will talk to him of that. Oh there he returns. Bye my dear, just keep that phone, Eddy's picking it up soon!"

And thus said she hangs up.


Eddy's head over... No she must be mistaken. He would never.

I look at the phone. He needs it, right? And what if the girl calls about tomorrow and his phone is here?

As if on cue, the phone vibrates again. This time, not "mom", but an adorable looking picture with "Miya". On instinct, I pick up.

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