My Koala

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Is this crazy? Or strange? Wait is it even creepy?

I lift the big plushie and push my nose onto his. Boop.

~ two days ago ~

"Eddy sweety how're doing? Look what I've found you!" Opening the door I see a big bag with ears popping out. Somewhere behind this bag must be my sister, Belle. It's her voice.

"Uhm.. Come in?" I open the door a bit more and the eared bag, followed by my sister, walks in. "So what's that?"

Belle plops down onto the couch and opens the bag, pulling a big grey fluffy thing out. "Since you're madly in love with your best friend for over a decade by now, I thought I get you something to cuddle while you think about him!" Belle laughs and turns the plushie towards me. I want to slap that stupid thing out of her hands after she said that but then I freeze.

And I blush.

It's a koala.

But it's not just any koala. It's a koala with glasses. And it really looks exactly like Brett. Like Brett with his deadpan face.

~ back to now ~

And now I'm here with this stupidly big plushie, sitting on my bed. I've cuddled the last night's with him and boy, it's amazing. Apparently Belle made a collar with a small tag. Brett is written on it.

Oh my god I must never let him know I have a big stuffed koala named Brett in my bed.

But it's cuddly. And cute. And strangely it seems to smell like Brett a bit. Must be my imagination.

I sigh and put my koala back, down next to my pillow.

* * * * *

Wait what time is it now?!

I struggle to find my ringing phone. It must've fallen down when I accidentally fell asleep with this super duper mega cuddly cute awesome koala.

I don't take time to take a look who's calling and pick up.

"Hello, Eddy Chen here?"

"Why hello young man, what's with this formal answering?" I can hear Ray laugh on the other side of the line. "I just called to ask whether you and your better half could share some time for an old, bald and greasy violinist visiting hometown today?"

I feel my cheeks become hot. Better half?

"I'm free today and I guess, Brett also. We wanted to meet up for filming later, so if you'd like to join us, feel free to come over!"

Checking the time, we text Brett and agree to get together in about one hour.

* * * * *

"I know I wanted to get you a new shirt, but look what I found!" Ray storms out of my bedroom, after spilling some icetea over me. Before I can turn around to see him, I see Brett blush and stare past me.

"Dude, you're sleeping with an enormous koala in your bed?!" Ray laughs and dances with my new plushie around the table. Tossing my new shirt into my face, he snuggles into my Koala-Brett. "Wow he's super soft and cuddly!" Ray exclaims and I feel a sting in my chest.

Wait. I'm jealous?

I am about to stand up but someone's quicker than me. Brett takes the plushie out of Ray's hands and hugs it softly and I'm instantly melting. What an adorable sight!

"So soft..." Brett looks over to me, smiling "and you're letting this cute buddy sleep in your bed?"

Please, god, don't let them see the tag...

"Yeah" I choke and take the koala from Brett, hiding my face in it's fur. "My sister gave it to me this week."

And with that, I run into my bedroom, push Koala-Brett under my blanket and shut the door tightly behind me.

* * * * *

"See you tomorrow, Ray!" I shut the door and turn around. Brett sits on my couch, his feet dangling over the armrest.

"So, you're sleeping with that big fluff in bed?" his mischievous smile gives my heart a small attack. I love his smiles, every kind of. I sit down and lean my back against his. And I feel his weight lean into mine.

"Yeah. Did you see?" Without hesitation, I ask.

"Yup. But I guess Ray didn't." I knew he would know what I mean.

"It wasn't my idea, though. It's a gift from my sister. But I don't hate it." Actually I like it.

"So you don't need me anymore? Is that koala taking my place?" I can feel Brett's laugh through his wiggling back.

"When did you sleep in my bed?" I laugh, too.

"Not yet but I'd like to."

Hm? What?

I listen into the silence and I think I can feel his racing heartbeat through our backs reach mine.

"Don't you think it will be cramped with two koalas and me there?" My hand wanders over the side of the couch towards his. Tapping once with the pinky finger against the back of his hand.

"It's not about the space. I don't know if you can handle two cuddly koalas with your arms." His hand grabs mine.

Fingers intertwined, I lean my head back against his.

"If it's with you, I can handle everything. And you're the only koalas I'd allow in my bed."

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