Love To Go - Letter

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Hi Eddy,

did you know koalas die from loneliness? As much as I love your nickname for me, I'm glad I'm not really one.

I'm going off to Sydney, but when I get back, I'll have the week off. So if you'd ever be free, I'd like to share some time awake with you.

Thank you for being my boyfriend. Thank you for making me feel loved.

I love you so much. I miss you so much. I want you here in my arms.

But soon I have to leave for the weekend.

Dude, I'm missing you so much, you can't imagine! I couldn't imagine.

I love to snuggle into your arms when you're asleep and did you know you always hug me in sleep when I sneak into bed at night? You won't wake up, even when I accidentally drop my phone in the bedroom. But you never fail to cuddle me when I come to bed. That's amazing.

You're amazing.

Thank you for being amazing.

I hope, you won't be too lonely this weekend. I'll be back on sunday, so I hope to find you free and waiting ;)

I love you so much!


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