The Navarra Journal

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Session 1

- first finger gliss. end tends to get too high

- scales awesomely perfect pitched

- wow I'm motivated about this journal!

Session 2

- first finger gliss. getting better, try go straight into vib.

- scales still awesomely perfect

Session 3

- G# major scale 3rd finger 3rd oct. too high

- 1st finger vib. clear on G string, too slow on E

- am I too picky?

Session 4

- G#maj scale 3rd finger 3rd oct. still too high

- vibrato needs to go through the hand, not only finger

- buy new rosin

- go meet Olaf soon

Session 5

- G#maj scale

- Navarra first runthrough clear, going for fingerings tomorrow

- return rosin to Brett

Session 6

- scales in general

- Navarra rework fingerings, take to look into Brettys part

- return rosin to Brett!

Session 7

- Navarra erase the old fingerings to write down the new ones

- return rosin to Brett the NEXT time we meet!!!

Session 8

- don't use the journal as homework notes

- Navarra beginning: concentrate on breathing with Brett

- fingerings at 2  walk smooth - practice shifts from 3rd to 2nd down

Session 9

- Brett's fingers are gorgeous

- don't stare at him too much

Session 10

- getting back to real business: string crossings at 4 can be balanced out better

- remember to look at Brett in run before 1, he wiggles his eyebrows. damn hot.

- check fingerings at 2. slow.

Session 11

- used to have an etude for string crossings. looked it up, failed grandiously. need to practice!

- don't rush at 2. need to get used to new fingerings!

Session 12

- didn't mention Bretts smile yesterday. wow. was his smile always this bright? the runs in 2 are even more fun with him smiling like that. 

- trills are not even in 3, they tend to jump a little. did scales with trills.

Session 13

- scales with trills again

- sometimes Brett licks his lips while practicing. that's hot. is it weird to think the best friend is hot? 

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