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oh my god did you see their matching posts about the beethoven spring sonata merch? 

too precious! T_T♡

Hopping the stairs up and down, we try a couple of poses. We are soooo proud of our new merch and sooooo excited to show the world, so we need nice pictures.

Eddy tries to sit casually on the stairs, looking straight into the camera. 

Oh that's hot.

"Try sit a bit straighter, so I can get 'musician' and not 'musiian' there" I say as I click the camera.

"Hey, maybe I am a musiian, who knows?" Eddy laughs and sits up straight, showing his new sweater in full sight.

Taking more pictures like that, we switch and I try to sit just as Eddy did. How does he hold the balance here? I sit and squat and it's kinda hard to hold still there. So I stand up, go some stairs higher and turn around, giving a sassy wink down to Eddy, who's holding the camera.

"How about this?" I say and wiggle my ass before looking over my shoulder downstairs, just to meet Eddy's eyes and blushing cheeks.

"How shall I get your merch on camera when you're so far away?" he tries to cover the blush by looking down onto the picture he just took. 

"I need to be up here, so no one sees how small I am." I laugh.

Slowly making my way down I come closer to Eddy. I stop one stair before him just when he looks up.

"Hi there" I say, looking him straight in the eyes. "wow we're the same hight when I'm standing one step above you." 

"Uh... I ... yea.. seems so. yes." Eddy stammers and looks away, to the side, like he's checking his right wrist.



"You're beautiful." He gets beet red and turns back to me. I grin and hop some stairs up again "must be the new merch!" I yell out and wiggle my eyebrows towards him.

Oh I like it when he puts his hands onto his face and pulls them slowly down. 

I sit down and watch my best friend regain his composure and wait for him to look up. When he does, I send a blowing kiss downstairs and wink. And again, his cheeks flush beautifully.

I love flirting with this dummie. I'd like to go further but first he needs to accept his feelings. He still thinks he's straight. But I really like his reactions.

"Brett, come down here. Let's switch. You're taking pictures again." Eddy says, shoving the camera in my direction. So I stand up, walk down just to be stopped by him when I want to pass. 

Eddy is holding my wrist and I'm again standing in front of him. One step above. 

"Brett, why are you doing this to me?" Eddy whispers and his eyes focus on mine. 

My mind goes blank with his lowered voice right into my ear. Instead of answering, I kiss him. Just one short peck onto his lips.

Wow there goes my resolution to wait. But that tasted way better than ever imagined.

With butterflies in my stomach I switch the camera out of his hand to my black purse and leave a stunned Eddy on the staircase. 

"Look over here", I say and see him turn towards me but kneeling down. His free hand up to his mouth to cover it. 

Looking through the lense, I take this picture and say "I like you."

I can see the wheels turning in his head. And finally his hand leaves his face, with him looking straight into my heart. Picture taken.

"Can you kiss me again?"

"If you want me to?" I look up from the camera.

"Yes. Please."

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