Filming For You

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again, for @IamYourPeeve, thank you for inspiring me so much!

and for @cute_breddy, for reading, understanding and commenting so fast!

"No Eddy, no no and again: no."

"But Brettybrett, we're apart for two full weeks now, so come oooooooooon!"

"No Eddy, how does that mean I could film a private session for you?"

"But I'm already missing you so much and we've one week to go!"

"NO Eddy go downstairs and join the family meeting now and don't ever ask me again to film an embarrassing video!!"

~ call ended ~

Eddy's POV

It's so stupid. I know it's my uncles birthday and I should be happe he's old but healthy and all well and we're able to be all together to celebrate but I'm just sad I'm alone here. I miss Brett and the shared apartment and our cozy kitchen where we can sit and drink our coffee and our studio with our instruments and Brett and Brett and Brett. It's crazy how "normal" it has become for us to be together. 

Together, that sounds sweet... 

Okay not together in a romantic way not that I wouldn't like that  but living together is a huge thing. Even as friends, there's nothing you can hide. And now that we're apart, I know I miss him so badly, even just for these two weeks, I hope I can survive.

It was a funny idea to ask Brett to film a mini private video for me while I'm gone, but when I saw him get deep red, I knew that it sounded kind of wrong. VERY wrong. 

But even so, I liked the thought of it.

"Eddy, come down, lah! You want to play something for your uncle, yes? Come here now!"

Brett's POV

It's so stupid. Eddy's with his family for a birthday and he's away for two weeks. I don't know when was the last time we were apart for such a long time. I really enjoy living with him and being all the time together with him.

Together with him, that sounds sweet...

Okay the request of him, I should film something for him sounded kind of ... wrong. But after ending the call, I realized he probably meant in just a friendly funny way. And I thought he wanted me to do something naughty!!!!! That's nothing "friends" do!!

But even so, I liked the thought of it. Just a little bit.

So I walk up into the studio, checking the batteries of our camera. No, I won't be doing something naughty. Maybe a little bit. Just to tease him. Punishing him for his dumb idea, yes, it's a punishment. Setting the lights on, I see how I'm still wearing Eddy's hoodie. 

Should I change? Or do I want him to see how I borrow them when he's not here?

After getting my violin out of the case, I tune and go through some scales. Wouldn't want him to criticize my intonation, even being apart.

I miss even his critiques. How much can you miss one person?

I push the recording button, count silently to three and jump in front of the camera.


Eddy's POV

Hahaha that's such a Brett-like intro there!!!

I couldn't believe my eyes when I woke up this morning and saw an e-mail from Brett pop up. There was a hidden YouTube Link inside without anything else. With a pounding heart I tuck my headphones in and sitting on my bed I push the start button.

Brett's POV

 "Hi Eddy, so this is your personal OneSetViolin Video. HalfSetViolin? Bro what do we call us without each other?"


"Nevermind. So welcome to a new episode with a new game, called 'You wanted a vid, you get a vid'! No editing, no Eddy-ting urgh was that too much? haha imagine Editor-san would have to edit this and like 'Eddy-ting? really, dad?' hehe so okay.  Here's a video!"

I raise my violin and wink into the camera.

Eddy's POV

That wink made me blush. 

It's nothing new we wink as a joke but this time it felt ... I don't know. I feel warm inside. And without saying more, Brett starts playing the canzonetta from tchaik's violin concerto. I love the sound of him playing this, I love how he gets absorbed into the music. He becomes music.

With the last note fading away I feel a single tear roll over my cheek.

I didn't notice how much I've missed him. How much I need him.

And wait, is that my hoodie??

I see Brett walk towards the camera and the last moment captured is his mouth, slightly open and ...

Did he just lick his lips, right in front of the lense? Damn hot.

Now someone tell me how I should go down for breakfirst with this problem in my pants.

Brett's POV

Done. What to do next? Curl up into a hole and never come out again?

Good thing I played tchaik, not something bold like... Salut d'amour. Or Liebesgruss or anything love related. That would be too obvious.

But I notice my mind working on video 2 already. This could be fun. 5 days to go!

Eddy's POV

Brett's getting really bold. Every morning I wake up with another video. After the first one, there was him playing Meditation by Massenet and while turning the camera off, he wispers "I miss you". The third video showed him at our piano, struggling with Satie. For that ending, he turned around and blows a kiss towards the camera.

But today's video is at peak level. I'm rewatching his Elgar for the third time. He says nothing. He just plays this Salut and then he silently turns the camera off. But he is staring at the lense the whole time. So I feel like my heart is pierced with his gaze.

I'm feeling hot and numb at the same time. I don't know whether I want to see the next video or him. Tomorrow it's my last day here in Taiwan and the day after tomorrow I'll be back home.

Home, where Brett is.

Brett's POV

I've gone so far, I am afraid. Have I been to bold? Too much? Eddy doesn't stop sending me messages how much he loved my videos and everytime he is online, he sends me a heart or koala emoji. I'm not sure what happens once he's back home.

So for the last video I'm not having my violin here. I just started recording and seat myself onto the chair. Looking straight into the camera, I inhale.

And choke. 

Oh no who on earth needs to choke on his own saliva?! Only dumb people like me... I'm too nervous to even breathe.

After what feels like (40) hours, I regain my mental state and look deadpan into the camera. Eyes still teary.

"Eddy", I start "this is the last episode of HalfSetViolin. Tomorrow you'll be back and honestly I can't imagine a minute more without you. Filming without you is awkward. Practicing without you is boring. Drinking bubble tea without you is tasteless."

I feel my tears roll down over my face but right now I couldn't care less.

"Eddy I need you here by my side. Do you know how big this flat is for one tiny koala?"

I can imagine Eddy smile here.

So I smile and continue "I'm looking forward to you, coming back home. And when you're here, be prepared. I'm gonna ask you a very serious thing and I need you to just say Yes! and come into my hug, okay? See you tomorrow!"

And with a DAB I turn the camera off.

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