13. New beginning

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Life is full of twists and turns, nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. You never know what the future beholds for you. One day before when I was going to my office I didn't know that it was my last day there.

Now I am on my way to the new office. Yes, I accepted the offer with a heavy heart.
Looking at the happiness of my parents I was not able to say no to them. I accepted it thinking it as God's wish.

I have accepted it as a challenge and I am sure that I will be able to convert this challenge into an opportunity.

'Ma'am we are here'. The cab driver informed me.

For today I decided to go with a cab because I can not trust my scooty. It can ditch me anytime.

I was in awe looking at the huge building in front of me. It was clear that crores and crores of Rupees have been spent to construct it so beautifully. But what is the use of this beauty when its owner has a black heart? For him, people are like toys with whom he can play whenever he want.

I looked at my watch it was 8:55 AM that means I was in time. I went in and was astonished by looking at its interior. It is definitely one of the best buildings I have ever seen.

I came to my senses and looked around. People were staring me like they have seen some alien. I quickly wipe my face to make sure that there was nothing on it and put my hair on the back of my earlobe.
I didn't want to get late so I decided to ask about his cabin from one of them. But whom should I ask everyone is looking so older than me and it feels like they will scold me if I ask them something. I am literally not getting even 1% good Vibes here.
I searched for Rahul but he was nowhere to find. How could he left me alone when he knows that this is my first day.

Then a lady approached me and told me about his office and she also told me to run fast because she did not want my first day to get ruin. I didn't bother to ask her about how did she know about me, I just ran.

Finally, I was at his cabin gate. I read his name written on the nameplate - "CEO Mr. Atharva Singhania".
I took a deep breath and got ready for my new journey.

Knock knock

'Come in' came the voice of none other than the devil himself

I slowly opened the door and went in. He was busy with his work and was searching for some files. I was not getting from where should I start so I greeted him.

'Good Morning Sir' I said but neither he replied nor he looked up.

I was in a dilemma about what to say and from where to start.

'You are fired. I don't like employees who enjoy my cabin's view. Don't waste my time and just leave'. He shouted while searching for something.

I flinched. Is he mentally fine or what?

'You are still here' finally he looks up. His face was all red from anger.

I was about to turn to happily leave this cabin.

'Youuu...' he said looking towards me.

'Yes, me'

'Welcome Shreya Gupta, you are full 6 minutes late that too on your first day of work'. He said in sarcastic tone and looking into his wristwatch

'Actually sir I was on time but it took me 5 minutes to search your office and reach here'.

'I am not going to hear any of your excuses. You have already wasted my 2 minutes. You should be here at least 10 minutes before 9:00 AM. As you are my personal assistant, I want all important papers, files and my schedule ready on my table at 9:00 AM sharp'.

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