37. Rain Rain Go away!

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I was left with no other option then resuming the job. Because if I collect all the wealth including the expected money that I can get from the home at Mathura, it sums up to only 30 lacs. And I don't think it is a good idea to take a loan as I am already under the burden of this home's monthly installments. So I dropped the idea of resigning the job and creating further problems for me.

He has started acting very weird from that day. He gives me a lot of work to do and that too with a short deadline.

Sometimes I get late to return to the home. On the first day of this week when I was returning home, it was 10:00 PM and I felt someone was following me and I got scared. But the next day I got that it was none other than him.

I am getting frustrated as I am not able to sleep properly and my eyes have also started painting because of working relentlessly on the computer.

But if he thinks that he can make me do the things he wants in this way then he is wrong, completely wrong because Shreya is not so easy to break.

It was Friday evening and I returned to my home at 9:00 PM. I was happy that I can sleep all day tomorrow. I have my dinner and went up to relax.

I took my phone and there was a message from a number

'I want you to be present at the given address tomorrow sharp at 10:00 AM as you still have a lot of work to do before the ending of this week. You have already taken leave this week that too without informing so there is no point of further argument. Just be on time'

Should I need to mention from whom that message was?

I was literally on the verge of crying. I don't want to work with him. But I don't have other options too. Either work with him or sign those damn papers which I will definitely not do in this life.

I slept only to wake up and see his face again.

My sleep got broken in between because of the rattle of windows. I opened my eyes, the weather was good. The wind was blowing and it felt like it will start raining anytime. I can smell that fragrance of soil that makes my soul happy.

My eyes fall on the watch lying beside my bed and it says 9:00 AM and suddenly last night message popped into my mind.

Oh God! No!!!!!!

How could I forget to tell Mumma to wake me up early?

Oh, God!!

I woke and got ready in 20 minutes. I don't know from where I got this superpower.

I literally ran on the stairs took the key of my scooty.

"Heyy, where are you going?" Mumma asked

"I don't have time to explain. It is just that I have work and I will return by evening" I said

"What about breakfast?" She asked

"Mumma I am getting late please let me go. I will have it there. Pakka wala promise" I said

"At least take the umbrella" she shouted

But I ignored because neither I have time to search for an umbrella nor I can handle it with the scooty. I will reach there before it starts raining. At least I can hope for good.

I started my dhanno and thankfully it gets started in one go without throwing tantrums.

The clouds thunders.

Oh, God! Please wait for a few minutes. Please!

I was not able to drive properly and fastly because the wind was too strong and the dust was going into my eyes.

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