49. Mine forever

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Atharva's POV

I woke up feeling a lightweight on me. I moved my head a little up to see my butterfly soundly sleeping with her front on my front like a baby. Her ear was on my heart. She is the one who has provided it life again. She has become my heartbeat. We both are on the right side of the bed for which we fought on the very first night.

A genuine smile crept my lips after recalling the things we did last night. This was the best night of my life. For the first time, I have slept carefree.

Now, she is just mine. All mine and forever!

I circled my arms around her possessively and pulled her closer to me if possible and kissed her head. She moved a little but snuggled into my warmth and slept. She really is a sleepyhead.

I wonder how she has become my everything. Now, I cannot imagine my life without her. She really has become light in my dark world.

She doesn't even know that she is taming the beast within me. Whenever I see her face my anger flew aways. And this is the record that I haven't fired any employee from my company in the last month from the day she has stepped to work in my cabin as my better half.

I decided to not to disclose that incident to anyone but don't know how she managed to take out everything from me.

I took a deep breath and as a result, her body moved up. I just want to stay like this forever with my butterfly. There is nothing more for which I can wish for.

I looked at the watch and it says 8:30 AM. How can I sleep so late? Maybe I got comfort in her warmth.

I have to leave the bed now. But for that, I have to wake her up because she is on me. But neither I want to leave her embrace nor I want to wake her up. She must be tired because of the last night's activities.

I haven't been even one minute late for the office ever before even if I have spent my whole night wide awake. I hate to be late. But for her, I will do that. My heart has become selfish from the day she has entered my life and it has started to ask for things I have never done.

"For you, I am leaving my office for half-day biwiji" I murmured and rubbed her chubby cheeks with my thumb.

Her light breaths were fanning my chest. I moved her hair to look at her face properly. She was sleeping so peacefully like she has nothing to care about the world. I always get some kind of peace to my heart whenever I see her face. She is becoming my drug. There was a little pout on her lips. I want to kiss them, but how? She is sleeping. I want her to sleep but I cannot resist anymore.

Urghh...her sleep. How much will you sleep? Your husband needs you.

I pushed her nose. Wake up!

She slowly opened her emeralds as if she listened to the voice of my heart.

Is her nose really an on and off button of her body? I should try it more frequently.

She moved her head and put her chin on my chest showing me her face and gave me a full smile. This is the first time she has smiled for me so lovingly. Her smile makes my heart flutter. I returned the gesture.

" Good morning biwiji"

"Good morning," she said and again put her face down and closed her eyes.

"You know what?"


"I am getting late"


"So just wake up and prepare breakfast for me," I said in her ears

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