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Lost Memories, A Janitors Closet, and a Childhood Friend

There's an unsettling amount of chatter floating around UA's campus today. There always is, sure, but the excited, staticky air tells Katsuki that today is different somehow. It's the first week since their second year started, what could possibly be so exciting to have everyone buzzing like annoying ass bees? Whatever it is, he's dreading it.

Sighing, the ash blond shoves his hands into his pockets as he rounds the corner. He fumbles with the black earphone jack, making a mental note to take the song currently playing off his playlist.

The dark brown door to Class 2-A looks down on him like a giant, so he glares with just a proportional amount anger and slams it open with a heavy foot. I am here.

"Baku-bro! Did you hear? We got two new students!" Katsuki groans out loud when a familiar electric blond greets him with an excited grin. The rest of the UA extras are huddled around a new desk, separating Katsuki from Mineta. Thank fuck too, because if he has to hear that pervert jerk it in class one more time, Katsuki will blow shit up. Does he think he's being discreet?

Sauntering over to the new desk he eyes it for a second. Mostly because it's behind his, not because he's interested, "And I give a shit because...?"

Eijirou gives him a toothy grin, "New competition bro! What if they're like...better than you, or something?"

Katsuki scoffs, "No one's better than me, Shitty Hair."

Swinging his bag onto his desk, Katsuki sits down with a huff. He places his back against the cool chair carefully, sighing when the temperature eases the pain in his back.

(He overdid it at training yesterday. Icy Hot offered to ice his back for him, but he told him to fuck off. Katsuki's perfectly capable of icing it himself, thank you.)

"Still, this late in the curriculum? I wonder who it could be..." Yaoyorozu places an inquisitive finger against her thin lips.

"Maybe they're like...a prodigy or something?" Uraraka guesses, but Katsuki shakes his head, not liking the sound of that either. A Prodigy? Someone other than him? More like a nuisance.

"Maybe she's just like, really hot." Katsuki turns his nose up at Mineta. Is pussy all he thinks about?

"Or, they're just a normal kid." Todoroki shrugs. Speaking of nuisances.

The ash blond groans. Why do they have to have this conversation behind him? "Or, all of you should shut the hell up!" Katsuki snaps, slamming a smoking fist on the desk. It starts to throb like a bitch, but hey, at least the soreness in his back is gone?

"This is why you have no friends," Denki points a shameful finger at him, which Katsuki's tempted to bite off. Instead, he jumps out of his chair and steam pours out of his ears like a tea kettle.

"Oh you-"

"Alright, everybody in their seats." Mr. Aizawa's monotonous voice cuts the tension like a saw and all the students scramble to sit in their assigned seats. "As most of you know, we have a few new students joining us for the year. And luckily for you-or unluckily, I don't know or care-there will be two in your class." His attention shifts from them to the front door. "Come in."

There's a short boy with disastrous, inky green hair, bored green eyes that rival Mr. Aizawa's, and so many brown freckles scattered across his nose Katsuki can see them from his seat. His UA uniform is obviously one size to big, but it's clear he's not one for appearances either: his red tie is so loose it hangs to the floor. New kid cradles an inconspicuous black backpack between his scarred hands.

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