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Oh, Wow

The next week, Class 2-A goes to a training camp in the city.

The longer they drive, the deeper into Tokyo they go, and the more Katsuki wants to get off this damn bus. The rest of class is buzzing with excitement, cramped in one giant yellow bus that definitely needs more than a few extra seats. Katsuki's uncomfortably squished next to Eijirou, who's passed out against the window, face squished and drool dripping.

Mina talks Uraraka's ear off across from him. She says something that makes Round Cheeks blush more than she already does and shake her head. The pinkette nods excitedly, and for a moment Katsuki wonders what they're talking about, but then decides he doesn't give a shit. It's probably something girly and stupid. Closing his eyes, Katsuki lets the calm lofi serenade him to sleep through his cheap skullcandies.

Unluckily for him, Mina turns to him an hour and a half into the drive. "What do you think, Bakugou?"

He yanks his left headphone out, angry at the disturbance, "What now?" He groans.

"We're trying to figure out who's the hottest guy on this trip. Care to join?" she giggles impishly. Katsuki scrunches his nose. (See? Girly and stupid.)

He crosses his arms in defense, "I'm not fuckin' gay." Mina snorts. Why doesn't she look like she believes him?

"Didn't say you were," She winks, "I'm asking for the complete, straight boy perspective." Katsuki feels a little tension fade in his shoulders, but not a lot. He shrugs, arms staying pressed against his chest.

"I dunno, I don't fucking think about it." Why? Because he's not fucking gay. Raccoon Eyes whines.

"Come on," she gives him puppy dog eyes, "not once? You've never seen one of the guys changing in the locker rooms, or just super worked up during training and gone: Oh wow?" She slaps her hands against her cheeks for emphasis, but Katsuki shakes his head anyway. A giant hotel rolls into view in the window behind the pouting pinkette, and anything else she wants to say is disrupted by Mr. Aizawa's monotonous voice coming from the front of the loudly colored vehicle.

"We're here. Boys carry the luggage off of the bus, girls go wait in the lobby." Almost all the boys groan.

(Kirishima actually cheers, deeming the activity "extremely manly," all while Katsuki wonders why he tolerates the red head. And when the hell he woke up.)

"But the girls pack the most!" Denki whines from behind Uraraka. Mina turns around to flick him in the head.

"We give birth to actual human beings, you can lift a little luggage," she huffs and Uraraka snaps behind her in agreement. Katsuki rolls his eyes. This is why he doesn't have a girlfriend.

The nerd brigade (Iida, Deku, Todoroki) along with a few other extras gather at the base of the bus, pulling the luggage out to put it on the sidewalk for the rest of the boys to take in.

But Katsuki's still stuck in his own world, blocking out whatever Denki's rambling about now as Mina's words ring in his head on a loop: 'You've never seen one of the guys changing in the locker rooms, or just super worked up during training and go: Oh wow?'

Katsuki frowns. He's never really...been attracted to anyone before, ever, so technically what he said to Mina earlier wasn't a lie. He's definitely straight, he likes tits, he just hasn't found the right chick yet. Which is fine. Katsuki's too busy trying to become an actual hero to deal with the arduous task of harboring feelings for someone else.

"-re Kacchan," Deku's voice brings him back to earth, and Katsuki almost jumps. The nerd's holding a neon pink suitcase, "This ones for you." He drops it by Katsuki's feet, and the ash blond can't help but watch how Deku's biceps flex as he sets it on the curb.

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