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High Voltage

All Denki can hear is the blood pounding in his ears, and the faint twin footsteps echoing from the hallway. Stumbling into their classroom, he slams open the white cupboard. The cupboard is tall enough that he can stand and wide enough that he doesn't have to worry about claustrophobia.

Except, there's one problem.

Five pairs of wide eyes blink back.

Momo, Mina, Jiro, Todoroki and Shinsou are all uncomfortably stacked like dominoes in Denki's favorite hiding spot. He simply slides in front of Shinsou and shuts the door. Turning around, he places a finger over his lips and strains over the lavender boy's shoulder so everyone else can see.

The door to the conference room whines open.


"Running away like a coward, typical." A muffled male voice. Shinsou leans back to whisper something in Momo's ear, shehe passes it on. The pads of Denki's fingers rest against the dry wall of the cupboard, and he closes his eyes to focus on his breath.

Click, click, click, click.

"If these kids know what's good for them, they should run." Another voice, similar but not the same. The door wiggles a bit. Clearly the villains know they're in the cupboard.

Momo shifts a little, and it shoves Shinsou's wide chest into Denki's face. The lavender hair boy catches himself quietly with a rough palm on the wall behind him, and another around Denki's back to keep him from falling. The blond mouths a thank you, and Shinsou nods.

"Hmm, I don't know Spinner... Maybe in," The cupboard doors swing open, and the lights from the room flood in, "Here." Mustard says. The predator officially catches the prey.

"Now!" Momo drapes a heavy, silver blanket over the five of them as Denki points and shoots, feeling the electricity pump through his veins and out his index finger as all of his hairs stand on end. It's a rush when he uses his quirk, the electricity gets his adrenaline pumping like he's high on white light. He thrives off of it.

Mustard takes the electricity head on. He lifts a shaky hand as she heaves for air like asthmatic dog. Stepping back to lean on the table behind him, the weight of a nasty, wet cough causes his legs to give out, and he passes out on the ground. Denki freezes, he didn't know he could do that. (In his defense, his quirk isn't very close combat friendly.)


Spinner glares at him with fire in his eyes, "Do you have a death wish?" Denki shakes his head dumbly.

The students are confused by all the commotion and finally peek over the tin blanket. Todoroki rushes to the rescue, freezing Spinner's body. Except he misses Spinners arms, aka the most important part.

When the villain starts to hack at the ice, Denki shrieks, "Run!" the UA students scramble out of the cupboard and for the door, and Shinsou pulls at the door...and pulls...

It doesn't budge.


"Nice try," Spinner's fuming, and Mina shoves Shinsou out of the way as she tries to tug on the door. Still no use. "You idiots are going nowhere." A flyer crinkles under his foot. Momo and Denki share a look

She throws the tin blanket over the others, the weight of it making them fall to the floor.

Closing his eyes, Denki focuses on his gut. The world around him muffles into a muted buzz as he imagines a pile of invisible string nestled in the deepest, darkest parts of his stomach. The blond carefully pinches and pulls up, up until the string traces his spine and out through the crest of his head, until it barely scratches the roof of the ceiling. He can feel the other end coil around his belly button as his skin begins to vibrate.

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