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To Be Human

Eijirou gives Katsuki a look that the ash blonde can read like a book: Why are you pissed now? It's a mixture of genuine worry and exhaustion, with a dash of annoyance. But Katsuki being Katsuki, crosses his arms and huffs, because what the hell does Shitty Hair know? (Fucking nothing, that's what.)

Deku had absolutely no fucking business jumping into his fight like that. Katsuki was doing perfectly fine without the greenette, even though the throbbing ache in his wrists begs to differ.

He did all the hard work by tiring the villains out, anyway.

The bright common room lights hurt his eyes more than usual. It's like, four am, turning the annoying white lights on is a stupid idea as it is. Mix that with sleepy teens and aching bodies, and you get hell.

"Dude, I don't know if I'm gonna make it to my room tonight," Eijirou whines as he collapses against the couch, "So sleepy."

Denki and Deku waddle over to join him on the couch, the electric teen hanging onto Deku like he's a damn tree, "No bro, c'mon, you'll hate yourself for it in the morning."

Deku nods, "Your back'll get stiff. Then you'll do bad in training tomorrow and fall behind." he prods at Eijirou with his knee, but his words alone are enough to get the red heads blood pumping again.

...That's definitely one way to get him moving.

"I refuse to fall behind!" Eijirou chants, and jumps to join Iida in his routine post-fight stretches on the floor, "How're you doing down here my good sir?!"

"Um, fine thank you?"

"So Midoriya," Denki's voice is quiet, but loud enough to make Katsuki's spidey senses tingle, "All For One's after you too, huh?"

It's a lame joke, lame enough to make Katsuki roll his eyes. Deku cocks his head to the left, "What do you mean?"

The electric teen giggles, "Spinner said All For One's out for your neck right? Well he's out for ours too!" (Like Katsuki said, a lame ass joke.)

Deku's content face hardens as he unwraps himself from Denki's arm. The blond steadies himself on his own shakily, "He's not out for my neck." Deku denies, crossing his arms. Clearly, Short Circuit just pushed a sensitive button.

"Uh," Denki blinks dumbly, "He kind of is, dude."

"No he's not," The greenette's growls through grit teeth. His arms drop to his sides, fists opening and closing with flexed fingers.

Noticing the building tension, Eijirou pushes himself off the ground and dusts his hands off on his hips. He rubs Deku's shoulder, "Hey, we're all tired. I think we should all just go back an-"

"Don't touch me," Deku isolates, arms curling around his waist. It makes him look smaller than he already is. Katsuki wonders why he's making such a big deal out of this. It's not a surprise...not really. All For One's a dick. The ash blond can't help but feel at least a little sympathy.

"Look, he's sorry dude," Eijirou reaches out a hand, but the greenette slinks away, "Let's just go back upstairs, alright?"

Deku's eyes are harder than diamond, "No." His head whips to his left in a flurry of inky green, "Kacchan." He demands.

Katsuki blinks himself back into reality. Oh right, he's here too, "What?"

"My room." There's a flash of something in Deku's forest green eyes, but Katsuki can't put his finger on what. Hurt, maybe? Whatever it is, it's strangely familiar.

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