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Tangerine Skies

"Oi Idiot! You just passed the fucking dorms!"

Deku cranes his neck, and who gave him the right to smile? "I know," he's not even out of breath, "But I got a better idea." The ash blond huffs and smushes his face against the messy mop of green hair. Being alone with the Deku is a bad idea. A really, really bad idea. (Also, his hair smells really, really good.)

Katsuki should definitely try to get out of this as quickly as possible, "L-Listen Deku, I'm like, really tired so I should-"

The greenette stops in his tracks. This time, he even attempt to look back, "If you don't want to go then we don't have to." His voice returns to flat soda and his words are rushed, and Katsuki almost cries.

"Fine," he sighs, "But the sun is gonna go down soon. If we get lost I'm fucking killing you."

Deku grins at him excitedly, "Sure thing!"

"Are we there yet?"


"How about now?"



"K-Kacchan, one more word and I'm throw-throwing you off this cliff." Deku pants. Katsuki looks to the right from the uphill trail they've been walking for the past twenty minutes, into the deep ravine that looks like it ends at the center of the earth. Well, Deku's been walking. Katsuki's stayed on his back the whole time, expecting him to give up eventually and force the ash blond off his back. He's exhausted and sweaty, but Deku hasn't complained one bit. So, Katsuki stays on.

It's about 5 o'clock, and the hill Deku's running seems fucking endless. Where are they going?

Right when Katsuki's convinced this will never end, they finally reach the top. The mountain plateaus, the trees stopping when the incline does, creating a grassy field that overlooks a range of smaller green mountains. It's greenish-gold everywhere: The mountains, the trees, the brush all reflect a tangerine golden as the sun sets lower, and the whole valley looks like it's glowing pixie dust. "Whoa."

The sky flushes a neon strawberry lemonade, night chasing day away behind him. Katsuki looks over to Deku, and the boy is glowing with the sun, the orange rays on his pale skin make his green eyes glow like the trees. Katsuki grunts like a cavemen as he sits down.

Deku plops down next to him, "I used to come up here almost everyday," he says dreamily, "I'm surprised I remembered how to get here. I like high places when I need to clear my mind. Roofs, mountains, anything really."

Katsuki furrows his eyebrows, "When?"

"Before jail," Deku says sheepishly, "Fun stuff." Oh. Katsuki messes with the grass between his fingers. They haven't talked about this whole villain vs hero bullshit, not really, but Katsuki kind of doesn't want to. He doesn't want to know.

So he just nods and welcomes the awkward air. Next to him, Deku shifts, "I like sunsets. They're relaxing." The greenette collapses against the grass, and Katsuki follows suit. They're both splayed out like starfish, the crowns of their heads barely touching. Deku points at a cloud, "Look, doesn't that cloud look like a boomerang?"

Looking straight into the sky hurts Katsuki's eyes, but he does it anyway, "Nah. Kinda looks like a dick though." His words earn him a slap to the chest.

"Kacchan," Deku whines, "That's...dirty. And gross."

The ash blond scoots closer to whisper in the greenette's ear, "Well I'm a dirty, dirty boy."

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