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"Oi, Darth Vader!" Katsuki hollers over the loud sounds of the fight, "You're ugly as shit, you fat fuck!"

All For One's hovers near the ceiling of Gym Gamma. It was easy to find him, really. Katsuki just followed the trail of burning buildings. All For One barks out a laugh, looking down at him through his black helmet, "Are you trying to rile me up, boy? Because it won't work. I'm stronger than you."

Katsuki growls, fists steaming with anger, "Oh yeah? Then prove it."

"I will."

There's a big blast of fire sent in his direction, so fast Katsuki almost can't dodge it. The force of the blow knocks him over, but he scrambles to his feet faster than the dust can clear. All For One lets out a surprised noise, "Still standing? Impressive."

This time it's a gust of wind that Katsuki swears comes out of his palms. This time he has enough time to dodge it.

Katsuki finds himself behind the S-ranked villain and decides to strike while he has his head turned. With a flaming palm he blasts the shit out of All For One's back. A smile that could only be explained as bloodthirsty creeps onto his face. That was easy.

"Is that all you got?" ...Or not. Katsuki curses under his breath. He needs a different approach. Another opening.

On cue, Izuku flies through the window, "He giving you trouble, All For One?"

The villain nods, "Yes. You'll take care of him, won't you Izuku?" He asks, voice so sickeningly sweet Katsuki wants to hurl. Letting out a small sound of agreement, the greenette charges towards Katsuki at full speed, green energy whirring around him with adrenaline.

Before he lands a punch on the explosive teens cheek, he jumps. Katsuki grabs the bottom of his tennis shoes and using his explosions, boosts the younger up into the air, high enough to send a flying kick into All For One's jaw. The villain skips like a stone against the destroyed cement.

They stand in silence, wondering if they got him. It's hard to see through all the dust.

A dark laugh comes from All For One's general direction, "You think that's all it'll take to take me down? I'm disappointed, Izuku." The villain crosses his arms, suit torn from hitting the pavement.

"No, but it's a good start." Izuku spits. Katsuki's insides turn to mush. Damn, his boyfriend is so cool. Izuku gives Katsuki a nod, and he looks back at him with determined eyes. Time for plan B.

Katsuki rushes towards All For One, both palms sparking as he sends two big fireballs hurtling his way. The man simply holds his ground and comes out relatively unscathed. It doesn't matter, though.


Izuku jumps out from behind, glowing green and ready to kick All For One's sorry little ass into the dirt. Unfortunately, his foot is caught by one of All For One's arms, and he panics, rotating in mid air to heel the hero in the ear with his other foot. It's successful, and All For One stumbles.

Uraraka runs out behind a pile of rubble to touch All For One's shoulders while he's distracted, and he drops Izuku as he begins to float. Izuku bounces off the wall to his right and power kicks All For One towards the earth, Uraraka letting go of him at the same time.


The villain hurtles to the ground like a meteorite. Uraraka runs behind a pillar, successfully hiding from view.

She's scared as shit, but does what she needs to do. Respect.

"Thank fuck that worked," Izuku celebrates, turning to Katsuki, who's still lying on the ground, "You were okay, I guess."

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