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February 14th, 2021

Happy Valentine's! You are all taken by Zuko here lolol. :) 

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    I was flying over the frigid water that had chunks of ice, hugging onto Hyo for my dear life to keep my warmth. "I forgot how cold this place was..." I mumbled to myself. Maybe I should cut this trip short. Not like I had anything to say to the old master anyways.

    But I should learn their battle plans, tell them our plans, to kindle a plan. Hyo let out a "mii" and I lifted my head. The wall was now in sight. The blue carvings, dents still left over from the fire nation raid a few months earlier. I sat up, I would need to protect Hyo from a possible threat. I know we were allies with the water tribe, but they don't know about Hyo.

    I started to circle my hands, the flames wrapping around us making a ball. The white flames surrounded us, cocooning us in the warmth. If this didn't take so much of my new energy I would have done this the moment the weather dipped lower than tropical temperatures.

    Hyo flew us all the way to the palace, luckily nobody sent anything our way that I had to melt or evaporate. We landed and I dropped our shield. I looked up the large staircase leading into the palace to see the royal family and Pakku, the person I needed for my letter, standing up top.

    I was surrounded by water benders at the ready. "Long time no see, everyone." I slid off Hyo. I reached into my bag and held the two letters above my head for Master Pakku to see. "I came with messages!" I waved the papers back and forth.

    Pakku nodded and started to descend the steps. I used this time to stroke Hyo's snout for doing such a good job on the journey here. When the old geezer got to us he spoke, "how is the avatar?" Not even worrying about his student, I must say that was cold. I guess water benders learn from their surroundings.

    "We had a little bump in the road, but he is healthy now." Holding out the two letters I turned to face him. "Kataras." I shook her letter, "an old friend." I didn't know if the people around us should know the names of the lotus members.

    "We heard what happened in Ba Sing Se. You have become quite the legend, even here." A fire bender being known in a water tribe? Color me surprised.

    "Huh? Really?" I rubbed the back of my head, "I don't get time to socialize anymore so I have no idea," I laughed awkwardly and Master Pakku chuckled along with me.

    "You must be tired, please come and rest." Yue's mother had walked down all those steps and was now addressing me face to face. I saw Yue in her mother, it made my heart jerk.

    "I have a lot to discuss-" I started to protest but Pakku held out a hand.

    "Rest for today, you have traveled a long way." He started to walk and I had a suspicion that I was meant to follow him. Glancing at Hyo, my feet started to move on their own.

    "So..." I ran up to the old man, peering around him. "What's being said about me?" I couldn't contain my curiosity. I'm sure it's different everywhere, I know for sure that in the Fire Nation I'm seen as a traitor.

    Pakku turned his head, a small smile on his face, "well, the most common thing I've heard is your new title." He was teasing me, taking the roundabout way of telling me. When did this old man learn something like this?

    "New title?" I have been called many things, princess, traitor, little dragon is what I am most commonly referred to because of my name Kaida.

    "Hmm... Let me think... what was it again?" He stroked his chin. I dug my nails into my skin, this is probably why Katara hated him so much and his girlfriend left him. He saw me glaring and laughed again.

    "This is where you will be resting, the mighty dragon." I froze in front of my igloo, looking dead into his eyes.

    "Really?" Mighty? Me? He nodded his head. "I think you have hearing problems, old man." I pointed a finger at him. How could I be considered anything mighty?

   He shrugged, "maybe. I will read these today, we can talk at dawn tomorrow once I'm done training my students." He was referring to the letters.

    "Can I come to the practice? I would be a good opponent." These new benders should get a taste of what it's like to fight benders before they go back into battle. He thought for a moment before nodding his head.

    "Then I will tell you this now, tomorrow, don't go easy on them." I nodded my head, automatically.

    "I won't. After we are done, can I duel you too?" I kind of want to see if Katara is better than him. They would never fight, but I know both of their talents and after the fight will be able to make a good educated guess.

    He nodded his head, "enjoy the rest of your night." He started to walk before turning back around. "Oh, I forgot to mention, this igloo has the best heating system." My eyes widen and I look back at the home.

    Well, that was nice. Turning and walking through the door, I felt like I was entering a furnace. It was so nice. They didn't have to do this. Especially when I had arrived without warning.

    "I think they like me." I sat on the bed and Hyo put his head in my lap.

   Even though I was a fire bender.

   Hope bloomed in my chest and I laid on my back looking up at the igloo ceiling. "It's weird to be here without friends." I looked down my body to see Hyo still on my stomach. "Ah, this is your first time here right?" I stroked his head, feeling the warm scales. "Pretty cold huh?"

    Hyo bobbed his head. "That's what I thought too." So much has changed since the last time I was here. I am probably I whole different person. Someone who was once scared to show I was a fire bender just walked through the front door surrounded by fire.

   I sighed to myself.

    Yes, I have certainly come a long way.

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