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Thursday, August 12th


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"Ugh..." I groaned laying flat on my back. I was back in training with Uncle Iroh. "Look Iroh!" I jumped again, I hadn't shown him the skills that I have been practicing. I circled my hands and shot the lighting out of the vent into the sky.

I looked down to see his eyes wide with shock, "you really have learned... so quickly," he stroked his chin. Was it that much as a surprise? I sat down next to him on his rough bed. He put a hand on the shoulder closest to him looking at me.

"Well done." He smiled softly and my face lit up, Iroh always supported me positively but it was nice to be complimented like this at the end of a hard day.

"Thanks!" I raised my fist and light them on fire. "It's always so good to have learned something new." Maybe that was my hobby? Striving to learn new things, taking the world in with everything I have. Could that be a hobby? I didn't know, but I was eager to find one.

"I have noticed this, but your fire is now white..." Iroh looked at my flames in my hands. He was probably curious to know why. White was stronger than orange and red fire sure, but it was weaker than Azula's blue fire.

"I wanted my fire to be a strong one, but its intention is not to harm." I didn't want to bring harm to the people around me again. I wanted to be like I have always been, neutral, and I think this flame color represented me very well. Iroh nodded his head, taking his hand off my shoulder.

Then I felt a flame from down the tower, one that was very familiar. I looked at Iroh with wide eyes. "Zuko," I gasped out. "Zuko is here." I was startled to my feet walking over to the vent. I must go, I needed to go. I was not strong enough to face Zuko right now. As much as I have grown, his betrayal still stung within me.

"I feel like I won't see you again for some time." Iron spoke from behind me. I paused and nodded my head sadly. He was right, after today I needed to head off to where the gAang was to aid them on their journey. I frowned at the thought.

"Do you want to come with me?" I knew the answer the second the question was out, Iroh shook his head. "What about that message you mentioned, I can help with that at least." This time he nodded his head.

Zuko was getting closer. "The lotus was ready to bloom." I raised a brow and jumped through the vent, mending the bars back to their spots.

"What does that mean? Who do I send it too?" I was so confused about what he was getting at. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, there will be an eclipse soon," I saw shock cross Iroh's expression. Then he nodded.

"Then I will ask you another favor." Anything. I would do anything for Iroh. "Come get me on the day of the eclipse." I nodded my head. It will be tight to help both the gAang and him, but I will find away.

"I will. Just wait for me till then." All of a sudden Iroh sat forward, his expression going completely blank. Not even a second later the cell door burst open, it slamming against the wall making a loud noise. I jumped at the sudden ruckus.

"Practicing lightning old man?" Zuko hissed out a question, yet Iroh said nothing just looking forward like he had nothing to say. I didn't like the tone that Zuko had acquired from the time I was gone.

He sounded empty, like a hollowed shell. I let out a whistle for Hyo, I needed to get out of here. "She's here?" Zuko said with a gasp. Oh great, this is not what I wanted.

"Was Kaida here?" I could imagine Zuko pressed against the bars shouting questions at the stone-faced Iroh. I have never seen him so expressionless in my entire time with him. "Answer me!" He shouted, his voice cracking in pain. It seemed like he was desperate for answers.

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