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Sunday, September 6th 2020


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    When we got to school Lee was waiting for me at the entrance. "Lee!" I ran up to him, only after saying my goodbyes to Aang. "We are going to be late! Hurry!" I grabbed his wrist and pulled him into a jog as we ran into the building.

    "Are you stupid? Why were you waiting outside! You could be late now!" I said as we ran down hallways towards our homeroom. Regardless of the position we were in; Lee was all laughs and smiles behind me, not having a care in the world.

    "I was waiting for you," Lee said with a grin on his face. We were right in front of the classroom with a minute to spare.

     "What if I didn't show up?" I crossed my arms. "What would you have done then?" He needed serious scolding.

    He bit his lip and touched a finger to his cheek, "hmm..." he said deep in thought. "Dunno!" He shrugged and a grin was back on his face. My eyes widen in shock. "Let's get inside!" He opened the door and pulled me in.

     I was still in shock as he dragged us to our seats. The bell had rung and I sat down next to him. Did he do that with no regard for the consequences? Was he stupid? He had to be... Right? I glanced at him in the corner of my eye. He was grinning from ear to ear as he listened to the teacher to discuss the lesson plan for the day.

    Right? I shook my head, he had to be, I couldn't think why someone would risk getting in trouble. He was foolish... or was he just having fun? I clenched my fists.

    I couldn't wrap my head around it. So risky. So foolish. So fun... I put my hands over my eyes. This boy was making me think of life in ways I didn't think I would ever have too. My life has always been black and white, right way or wrong way. There has never been room for fun.

    Hell. I clenched my fists so hard it shook. Even my fun was contributing towards my skills as a fire bender. I looked at Lee again, how could he afford to take such risks? I longed for that freedom.

    My heart sunk and I felt the gap between Lee and I grow. He didn't even know it was happening. We lived in two very different worlds. He can make mistakes and take careless risks. I cannot. He can grow up playing with friends. I cannot.

     But I still wanted to be friends with him. I reached out to touch his fire. I wanted to be close to him, huddle up in his warmth. I want to be his companion, I wanted to get to know him better. Want to know why he thinks making careless risks is worth it.

     Then all of a sudden Lee's eyes snapped to mine and all the blood shot to my face. I looked away and out of the window. Then all of a sudden there was a paper on my desk. It was a little slip that had been folded many times. My eyebrows perked at that. I glanced at Lee who was smirking but avoiding eye contact on purpose.

    I unfolded the paper only to have my heart stop dead before picking up at a rapid pace. "Caught you," Were the words written on the little slip. I put a hand out of my cheeks as I acted like I was paying attention to the class. I burnt the paper into ash in my hands, pretending that I never saw it.
    But my heart wouldn't stop racing.

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    "I'm tired," Lee put his head on my desk, cushioned by his own arms.

    "Tired?" I tilted my head to the side. "Were you up late?" What was he doing that made him tired?

    He nodded his head, "the test today is going to kick my butt." He groaned. What was the test on again? The revolution? I could answer that test in my sleep.

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