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June 9th, 2021


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With the peach lantern in my hand, I walked on the golden path into oblivion. "I should be getting to the end right?" I felt like I have been walking for a long time. It made me think about the events that just happened.

Who were those people? How did that woman know me? Why did I want to see them? These questions rattled around in my head. "I want to see Hyo," I pouted. Hyo has been an anchor in this ever-changing world.

After a little more walking, all of a sudden I wasn't walking on a path but back on the cobblestone ground. I lowered the lantern and looked back at the fountain. Sure enough, the water was copper-red. I sighed to myself, "if I didn't know better I would just think that the pipes were rusted.

I looked around at the town that was still abandoned. With another sigh, I held out the lantern again and walked towards where I know Hyo was. I studied the peach paper lantern in front of me. The staff was beautiful and golden, it was weird for that woman to give me such a special gift.

Walking up the side of the mountain I saw my beautiful son peering out into the town looking for me. "Hyo!" With a wave, he snapped his head over towards me. "Guess what I got!" I shook the lantern in front of his face after he ran over.

"No food but a present!" I think I had gone into the spirit world. I let out a sigh, how I got there I had no idea. I need to talk to my father about this. I looked down at my hand. I wonder if there was any way for me to summon him.

Then all of a sudden the lantern turned into a long beautiful peach kanzashi. Hyo and I looked at each other with weird looks. "What was that?" We look at the hairpiece that is in my hands.

"Well..." I raised the piece to my hair and put it in. "How do I look?" I took a spin, and Hyo smiled.

"Really beautiful." I blushed.

"Thank you! Alright time to get on the road." So much for grabbing food even though I am starving!

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We arrived in Omashu the next day. The crazy geezer was waiting for us on a steel platform. "It's so much easier to get into than last time!" I thought back to the time that Sokka was almost eaten by their little octopus'. I let out a sigh, yes it is time to get back to my friends.

"Welcome to Omashu, my old friend!" Bumi laughed as he looked at Hyo and I. "Wow that's really a dragon!" Bumi raised his hand to stroke Hyo and he moved his face away.

"Sorry, I guess he doesn't like that." I smiled and hopped down. "I'm here to deliver a message." I held out my letter. "It seems like the lotus is ready to bloom." His eyes widen at the words.

He opened the letter and read what was inside. Then he laughed, "gosh its been so long since I heard from these guys!" His cackling made me a bit uncomfortable. "Come in come in. Ignore the fire nation flags, I kept them up because..." He long his thought. "Just because!" I giggled a bit as we walked up a whole lot of stairs.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" We sat down at a table.

"I feel like I always have somewhere to be," I let out a sigh, rubbing my temples. Lately, all my life has been is, go go go. Everyone needed me to be somewhere where I wasn't. I can't wait till this war was over so I can go hide in a hole and never have to anyone again.

He laughed at that and grabbed a stone that was resting on the table and took a chunk out of it. "That's what I like to hear from a new member!" I didn't think that the rocks on the table would be our food for the day. I was slightly horrified. "So tell me about her," Bumi leaned forward.

"Who?" I tilted my head. I knew a lot of 'hers'.

"The earth bender! I heard so much about her!" It hit me.

"Toph? Oh! That reminds me. There is more than one letter I need to give you." I reached back to the backpack that was still on me. I pulled out Aang's letter and gave it to him. "From an old friend." The truly old one.

"Oh ho ho!" He laughed and opened the letter. "I haven't had this many fun letters in... ever!" I looked around at the people around who just shrugged. Pretty much saying that this was normal for him.

The more I sat with this man, I realized why Aang liked him so much. They definetly had the same humor as one another. I sighed and rested my head on my hand. "What does the letter say?"

"Which one!" He raised them both up and flapped them like he was a bird. I laughed and pointed to Aang's. I wondered what he needed to say to his old friend.

"He is bragging." Cackled the old man.

"Bragging?" He nodded his head.

"He thinks Toph is better than me at earthbender than me. Isn't that so mean. I have been practicing a lot longer than her." I laughed out loud. It was nice to see an old man like him act so childish. I was just surrounded by grumpy old guys.

"She is pretty great." I think she will be much stronger than Bumi when she is older. Though I didn't want to say it aloud.

He pointed a bony finger at me. "You think so too!"

I put both of my hands up. "No I don't!" Though I couldn't hold back a fit of laughter. "Well maybe I do a bit." He started laughing with me.

We then looked outside together. "It has gotten late."I nodded my head.

"Yes it has." I would leave tommorrow morning to make it to the invasion just in time. I put my hands on the wooden table and helped myself up. "Thanks for allowing me to stay the night."

"Thank you for these." He held up the two letter and I bowed my head.

"Just doing my job." I straightened my spine and waved once bofore leaving with Hyo. The maids lead us to this nice room at the top of the metal palace. When they close the doors behind them I slumped onto the bed.

"We have to get a move on or we are going to be late." I sighed and closed my eyes. "I hope the invasion goes well." I turned over and stroked Hyo's head who was laying down next to me.

I looked back up to the ceiling and thought of the woman who was in the spirit world. "Who was she?" The thoughts rattled around in my empty brain. "I should have asked more questions." I closed my eyes and allowed myself to fall into a deep sleep.

When I woke up Hyo was on my lap warming me up. I looked at the window that was above my head. It seems that it was now morning. I rubbed the top of Hyo's head. "We got to go buddy." In a few days we would see the gAang again and be back on track for life. This little detour was fun, but I am excited to see my family again.

A few hours later, we were washed, fed, and ready to go. "Ready buddy?" I smiled up at Hyo and rubbed his snout. He nodded his head and steam came out of his nose. Oh, I didn't know he could do that.

I hopped on and waved goodbye to Bumi. "See you around."

"Go save the world." He waved goodbye to me. I nodded my head.

"I guess it's my job now." I stuck out my tounge. "You guys are too old."

We laughed and I took off towards our final destination. Family.

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