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Tuesday, July 7th


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   We landed again, I hopped off, feeling a lot better. I think my soul was finally starting to settle. I put my hand on my chest letting out a deep breath. I swear if Zuko ever puts me through that again, I will kill him.

     "Well, how far away is it? Maybe we can close our eyes just for a few minutes." Sokka nosed dived onto the ground, throwing his pillow over his head. I started to recover my fire, though its not enough to be doing anything other than fueling Hyo.

    "I don't think so, Sokka." And so I hopped back onto Appa without a second word. Even though I seemed to have been passed out for hours, I felt so tired. Like thousand-pound weights were placed on my shoulders.

"Seriously, what is that thing?" Katara said looking over the saddle at the world we were leaving behind us.

"And how does it keep finding us?" Toph said, worry in her voice.

    I looked over with them, my eyes widen as I saw a very familiar metal piece. My heart dropped to my stomach. Was that Fire Nation machernery? No... it can't be, I remember we were advanced, but I didn't think it was that much.

    It couldn't be Fire Nation. I pushed it out of my mind as Aang started to speak,  "I don't know, but this time I'm going to make sure we lose 'em." Soon enough we were flying over mountains, and Aang thought it was okay for us to land. When we land, Appa collapses, making us all flop out with a yell. Luckly Hyo caught me on the way down.

    "Sleep," I said curling into a ball, Hyo curling around me to keep me warm, I rested my head on his body, closing my eyes.

"Okay, forget about setting up camp. I'm finding the softest pile of dirt and going to sleep." I don't think I could have agreed more.

Katara started up her attacks on Toph again, "That's good, because Toph wasn't going to help anyway."

  "Oh, I didn't realize baby still needed someone to tuck her in bed." Toph shot back and it made me force a smile from my face.

    "Girls!" I shoot up, now that, "Toph," I gave a sharp look at her, "I get it, you want to do it your own way because that's all you know, you're own way. You are in the real world now, and real-world means working together. We need you just as much as you need us in this situation. Being a pain isn't going to make this any more enjoyable." I then snapped my head to Katara.

    "Katara." I pointed a finger at her, "throwing rude taunts isn't going to help this situation. Toph's new to the team thing, and dancing around it by just taking passive shots at her isn't going to work." Hyo laid his head on my lap.

    "This conversation is over for tonight." I groaned and closed my eyes, "if I hear you guys argue again." I opened one of my eyes, "I'm going to tie you both together and won't let you guys out until you learn to work with each other." There was silence in the then closed my eyes.

    Not even fifteen minutes later, Toph shot to her feet again, "guys!" I snapped my eyes open. I strained my Fire Bending and I could feel the fire. The fire of someone who wanted to tear me limb from limb. Azula.

    "Everyone on Appa!" I couldn't take her like this. Even though I am a stronger bender than her, I don't even have a quarter of the Fire Bending I normally have. Azula is no easy fight, I wouldn't stand a chance.

   "Does anyone know who is coming after us?" Aang Groaned as he rallied Appa again.

     "It could be Zuko. We haven't seen him since the North Pole." Katara said looking at me and I shrug.

    "Who's Zuko?" Toph asked.

    "Kaida boyfri-" I sent Katara a tiny spark and she smiled at me knowingly.

    "Oh, just some angry freak with a ponytail who's tracked us all over the world." Sokka started saying crawling up onto our ride. He is not a freak, sure he is angry and has a ponytail, and has tracked us all over the world, but he is not a freak. I helped Toph up onto Appa.

     "What's wrong with ponytails, ponytail?" I raised a hand to my mouth, stifling a giggle. Even sleep deprived, Katara does not miss a beat when it comes to abusing her brother.

    "This is a warrior's wolf tail." He pointed at his ponytail as he laid face down on Appa.

    "Well, it certainly tells the other warriors that you're fun and perky!" This time I laughed aloud. Sokka lifted up his head and glared at me. I smirked and looked away. I'm glad Katara could still make jokes even after I gave her the smackdown fifteen minutes earlier. I looked over to Toph who looked as if she was pouting or really thinking about her recent life decisions.

    "This is just impossible. There's no way they could have tracked us." Aang glares at the machines behind us. I follow his line of sight.

   "I felt it with my own two feet!"

    "I'm with Toph, I can feel their fires." I looked over before Appa lifted off the ground, he was groaning in protest. We looked over the edge and know and behold the cloud of smoke was approaching us from in the distance.

    "Let's get out of here!"

     "Maybe we should face them. Find out who they are. Who knows, maybe  they are friendly"

    "Always the optimist," Sokka said putting his face down in the saddle again.

    "They aren't friendly," Their eyes snapped over to me. "We can't beat them like this. We need to go."

    "Do you know who's in there, Kaida?" Katara looked over at me worry in her eyes.

    "A nightmare." I felt my shoulders sink down, Hyo hovered next to us. "A walking nightmare." I looked back as If I could look into the machines and see Azula smirking at me. She was with two other people, no doubt Ty-lee and Mai. Chills ran down my body as I realized I was going to have to fight them.

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