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Wednesday, June 3rd


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    There was a knock on the door, and I looked up from the map on my desk, the only thing keeping my worries of Kaida at bay was investing all my time in finding the Avatar. "The only reason you should be interrupting me is if you have news about the Avatar."

     My Uncle opened the door, "Kaida has been spotted on Kyoshi Island." I stood, putting my hands on the desk.

    "Well what are you doing, standing there like that! We must go before they leave!" I stormed around the desk and walked up towards the deck. My fist was clenched; I was thinking about Kaida again.

    I hoped she was well, and that she was happy. I walked up to the upper deck to talk to the captain. As much as her betrayal had ripped out the last piece of my heart, I would still lay my life down for her. I looked back at Uncle Iroh who was looking at the empty Pai Sho table. He missed her too.

    "Heels up, Zuko." Kaida glared at me, sending a little ripple of fire at my feet. I jumped and stumbled down onto my butt.

    "I don't think I have enough balance for that move," I said, shamefully. Then, I felt a shadow peering over me.

    "You will." She smiled, holding a hand down for me. "I had trouble with it too." I knew she was lying to make me feel better.

    "Kai!" We heard the screechy voice of my sister. "Why do you waste all of your time on this," she scrunched up her nose, "thing," she displayed a hand to me. I raised a fist to send flames her way. "You could be teaching me!" She tucked a stray hair from behind her, "Unlike someone, I will actually make use of it."

    "Shut up Azula." I snapped, taking Kaida's hand, and lifting my body off the ground. The soft smile that was on her face was now a slight frown.

     Kaida held out her hand to stop me. "I'm sorry, your highness, but a dragon only chooses one person to train in their entire life." My eyes widen as my head snapped over to her. She was a year younger than me, yet Kaida felt like she was years older than me. "I decided I would teach Prince Zuko," she bowed low, asking for forgiveness.

    "You aren't that good anyway!" Azula huffed, sending a tunnel of fire at Kaida who took it with her head still down. I was too slow to jump in the path of the fire, but it turned out I didn't need to.

    She had lifted her head and Azula's fire seemed to be absorbed into her. "Ugh!" Azula screeched, before stomping away.

     "She has an untamed fire," Kaida mumbled, looking at Azula's back as if she could see deep into her soul. Then she flicked her attention over to me, "I wouldn't want to teach her even if I could," she patted me on the shoulder, "you have much more potential."

    "Is that true?" I stuttered out. She walked away and got into a stance. She raised her eyebrow in question.

    "About what?" She was caught off guard, "oh, yeah, I think you are pretty cool." She giggled as she went up on her toes.

    "No, about only having one student." She tilted her head, thinking, before nodding her head.

     "The only exception is family," she smiled softly. "Now. Again." She sent another spark of fire in my direction.

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