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Sunday June, 14th


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Soon Aangs eyes and arrows started to glow a hue of white. I only saw this one other time, a long time ago. "Is he okay?" Princess Yue asked. I looked over to her, they were both standing close to each other. While I stood close to Aang, but far enough not to bother him.

    Katara understood what I was doing without even having to say anything. She started to explain to Sokka's girlfriend, "he's crossing into the Spirit World. He'll be fine as long as we don't move his body. That's his way back to the physical world."

     With this Princess Yue began to walk away "maybe we should get some help?" She said with a worried expression.

     "No, he's our friend. We are perfectly capable of protecting him." Katara looked at me, "see Kaida over there. She's been protecting him without even being told to do so. It's been our job since day one. Aang is our top priority."

    "Even over our lives," I said seriously, finishing Katara's sentence.

     Then there was the voice the single voice I didn't want to hear in this moment, "well, aren't you a big girl now?" Zuko entered the hall, looking at Katara. I jumped from where I was sitting, blocking Zuko's path.

     Katara shouted, "no!" as Zuko stepped on the footbridge.

    "Hand him over, and I won't have to hurt you." He looked dead into my eyes.

    "You know I can't do that," I said with a frown. I felt heat moving around me, I think someone had disappeared into the background, and Katara was undoubtedly running towards us. "Leave and I won't have to hurt you." I would do anything not to fight Zuko. Anything but hand Aang over to him.

     Zuko launches forward, firing several blasts of fire. Katara blocks all three with water from the pond. I looked back in shock, she really has gotten good. He fires several more as he advances, but on the last one she uses enough water to not only douse his fire, but hurl him backward and lay him flat on the ground.

    I was in complete shock, she ran up and stood next to me, "you shouldn't have to fight your student." She glared at Zuko before stepping forward. I put my hands down, and I jumped over to Aang, I wound be the last resort. The last line of defense.

    I watched Zuko get up, "I see you've learned a new trick. But I didn't come this far to lose to you." Then he looked over to me, "or you."

     He fires another blast which she blocks. Katara then launches another stream of water at him, hurling him backwards again. He barely retains his balance, but Katara freezes the water beneath him. His feet are frozen in the ice. Then, with a massive output of effort, Katara raises a churning sphere of water from the main pool behind Zuko, encases him in it, and freezes him entirely.

     Zuko has royally gotten his ass handed to him, "you little peasant. You've found a master, haven't you?"

    Before Zuko can keep talking the room exploded with fire, the shell of ice shatters, releasing Zuko who promptly charges Katara. I musted up my fire to protect Aang from the extra ice splinters charging at us. They trade shots which miss. Zuko gets behind Katara and almost grabs Aang's collar, but I use my fire and blast him, making him fly off the right ledge. While he tries to recover, Katara raises a huge wave of water that raises him to ten or more feet up the wall. She freezes him in place once again.

There was a pause, and I was sure Zuko was defeated, but then I felt a surge of power, the moon had set. It was now day.

     "You rise with the moon. I rise with the sun." Zuko said with a grin on his face as he broke out once more. He sent a fire wave at Katara that dances around her in a way that knocked her out.

   "Katara!" I shout with fear. I left Aang and started to fight Zuko head-on. "When did you learn that," I said with fear in my eyes, not even I knew a flame trick to make someone pass out. I breathed steam through my nose.

    "Well, It's only fair to fight me when you are hot," I said with a cheeky grin. "I don't think I have ever actually tried fighting you before." I was only ever teaching him and watching him fight other people. It was never just the two of us.

    "Just give me the Avatar, Kaida." He said with a frown. "You owe me." He clenched his fist and sent a wave of fire.

    "My debt was paid when I let you fight Katara on your own." I narrowed my eyes as we traded flames. "We both know you wouldn't stand a chance against both of us." He sent a spiral of flames at me and I dodged but noticed it went towards Aang.

    I used my flames to knock his fire off course. But that had me off balance as he sent another wave of flames at me, making me fly backward. My body slammed against the wall and I let out a gasp of shock as I slid to the floor.

    Zuko took this time to grab Aang, but I didn't give him the chance. Using my fire I propelled myself off the wall tackling him into the water. "Get out of here before I accidentally hurt you," I said through gritted teeth as I drew him up from the water. I lifted him with both hands and chucked him to the side. He let out a breath, then the world shook.

    The Fire Nation attack has resumed. I looked up at the ceiling to see falling pieces come down. I used my fire and sent out a stream to melt the falling ice that fell over all three, Aang, Zuko, and Katara. I looked up to see a chunk falling down at me.

    I opened my mouth and let out a roar, but instead of noise, there was just fire. I drew up from the depths of my core, pulling up all the fire, filling the room with harmless fire. Soon the cave settled and Zuko looked at me with shock. I turned my back to him and ran over to Aang. I looked to see that he was safe. I felt a burning on my arm and I saw that my dragon mark had burned away the fabric covering it.

    "Give me the Avatar or I won't hesitate to kill her." My eyes went wide as I turned around. Zuko had his knuckled to the temple of Katara's head. I think my heart froze over when I saw it.

    "Why?" My voice cracked mid-speech, I was completely heartbroken. "Why can't you just join us. Why do you have to do this." I shouted at him. Zuko took a step forward.

    "If you were smart you would have stayed on my side, the winning side." His voice was calm, but I felt a tremor in his fire. He was hurting just as much as I was.

    "Kaida?" I heard Katara start to wake up. In shock, she looked around and started to understand what was going on.

    "Let her go, Zuko." My voice deepened, I was no longer in the mood to negotiate, my friends were on the line. I was going against my foolish, student, friend, and... crush. I shoved all those feelings down, now he was just one thing. Enemy. "We both can't win."

     The room shook again and I looked up to see more pieces falling. I used my fire to protect the room with my flames again. Then all of a sudden I felt my pressure points be pressed by an unknown force. I felt my body become limp and I hit the floor next to Aang.

    Before I passed out, Zuko was hovering over me, "I know." My head flopped to the side, Katara was once again passed out. Hopefully, she was just passed out and not... and not...

    Dead. Then my vision became black.
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