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Sunday, August 2nd


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    When I entered the palace there was only one thing going through my head, 'I get to see my friends!' That was enough to put a skip into my step.

     "Many times, I imagined myself here, at the threshold of the palace. But I always thought I would be here as a conqueror...instead, we are the Earth Kings personal guests, here to serve him tea. Destiny is a funny thing." I smiled at that and gave a glance to Zuko to see what he was thinking. After all, he is the one that I want to switch destinies on.

    Zuko met my eyes with a cheerful smile, "It sure is Uncle." My heart bloomed at the words. I put my hand to my heart, this was really working. My hard work was paying off! I started to set things up for my friends, though honestly, something didn't feel right.

   If the gAang knew I was here, they would have come running. At least Hyo would. I looked around to not even feel their heats. "Something isn't right." I placed down my tea cup. That put them both on alert.

    "What's wrong?" Iroh walked over to me, he put a hand on my forehead, "you don't have a fever." I shook my head as he let down his hand.

    "Am I the only one who feels like somethings wrong here?" I couldn't put my finger on it. Had something happen to Katara and the rest of them? I wish I was Toph right now, so I could feel if they were anywhere near us. My heat tracking can only go so far.

    "What's taking so long?" Zuko looked around, at all the doors. I crossed my arms, channeling my fire within me. He seemed to be on my side, he didn't feel right here either.

    "Maybe the Earth King overslept." Iroh held on hope.

     Several agents walk into the room from the right and form a circle around us. "Oh great." I rolled my eyes at this. "The company I don't want," I mumbled under my breath.

     "Something's not right," Zuko stated and I rolled my eyes at it. Really genus, this totally seemed completely normal. Then a fire hit me that sent chills down my spine. I raised my fists in her direction.

    "It's tea time." Azula walked into the room. Like hell it is, I gritted my teeth, where are my friends, what did she do to them?

    "Azula!" Zuko put his shoulder next to mine, trying to protect me from her. The thing about Azula was that she hated me with a burning passion. Her mentality was that I stole her mother from her, while in reality she just gave up on the family bond. She wanted to make my life a living hell for as long as I could remember.

    "Have you met the Dai Li? They're Earthbenders, but they have a killer instinct that is so Firebender, I just love it!" She cheered, so that's what these agents were called, I looked at all of them. They scared me. Someone fighting with no fire was someone to be wary of because they will risk themselves with no intention of living.

   Iroh moved towards us, "Did I ever tell you how I got the nickname the "Dragon of the West"?" I raised my brow, he was called the Dragon of the West? That's so cool! I want a cool nickname like that, right now I'm stuck with Little Dragon.

Azula examining her nails and speaking in a bored tone, "I'm not interested in a lengthy anecdote, Uncle." Hold on, but I am, time out on this fight! I looked over to Iroh who had a grin on his face.

     "It's more of a demonstration really." Iroh takes a sip of his tea. Suddenly, Zuko ducks behind Iroh just before the ex-general enters a firebending stance, opens his mouth, and breathes a powerful torrent of fire at the Dai Li, like a dragon. The agents lower their heads and lift their gloved hands to shield themselves. I blasted myself into the sky to avoid the fire. It was like Katara using her water whip but with fire.

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