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February, 17th 2020


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Hyo and I were back to flying long hours again. I sighed and rested my cheek on his back. "When did you learn to talk?" Had he been hiding it from me?

"Uruloki taught me." His voice rumbled like rolling thunder.

"You are a fast learner. I'm proud of you." I stroked his back lovingly.

"I get it from my mom." He looked back at me with a smile. I wonder if he could turn into a human if he had already learned human speech? Baba couldn't because he was born a natural dragon.

"You are sweet." I laid back down on his back. "I remember when you were just the size of my palm."

"I do too." He breathed out a sigh.

"Oh, you're cheeky too." I laughed, closing my eyes, and repositioned myself to get comfortable again. "Tell me what you think about all of our adventures?" I looked off into the distance where there were desert and dry landscapes.

"What do you mean, mom?" He looked back at me unsure.

"We were separated for a little while when I was with Zuko, tell me what happened." If I remember correctly when I was on the boat I felt him draw power from me.

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I was flying over the twisting Serpent's Pass, watching mom's friends panning to follow its winding course across the lake. I missed mom, I sighed and looked down as Aang leads the party down a steep slope. The group stops as the path abruptly drops off into the lake, disappearing then reemerging several hundred yards distant. Everyone stands stunned until Katara strides forward resolutely. "Everyone single file."

I didn't like being by the water. Especially when mom wasn't around to protect me from getting wet. "Hyo make sure you stay away!" She shouted up to me. I flew up more just in case.

Bending aside the water in her path, Katara descends down below the water level, lifting up walls of water to either side. As everyone falls in behind her, a capsule of air forms around them. They disappeared and I was left alone above the water. I could see their bubble down at the bottom of the river.

Then I noticed a very familiar body-shape floating around beside them. Is that what they call the water dragon? I flew closer to get a better look, but then all of a sudden it hopped out and tried to snap at me. Luckily I moved out of the way.

I let out a sad sigh, it was pretty lonely flying up here alone. I wonder when the rest of my family will come back up? Then all of a sudden they pop up and shoot towards the land.

"Suki, you know about giant sea monsters. Make it go away!"

"Just because I live near the Unagi doesn't mean I'm an expert!" I flew down towards them, resting my head on Sokka's shoulder.

"Oh great and powerful sea serpent, please accept this humble and tasty offering. Thank you." He grabs my flying friend and offers him off.

"Sokka!" Katara scolds him

"What? I have to protect Hyo! If he gets hurt it doesn't matter if we survive this, Kaida is going to kill us!" I let out a shocked noise as Sokka pulled my neck off his shoulder and hugged me to his chest. I struggled to get out of his grasp but he held me tight.

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