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December 17th, 2020


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    I was flying above Appa on Hyo, they were going down a swampy river and I refuse to get close enough to smell it. Luckily Hyo felt the same way, we both didn't have a problem with flying. "Hey." I raised my voice to get everyone's attention.

    "What's up fire lady?" I haven't heard Aang use that name on me for a long time. I frowned as I looked down at everyone. I didn't want to say goodbye to these guys.

    "When is the eclipse again?" I saw Sokka finch, I think he knew where this was going.

    "You aren't leaving us again are you?" Katara stood with her hands on her hips. "You just got back? Why are you going off again?"

    "Yeah!" Toph stood too. Out of everyone, she looked the most upset. I wonder why. 

    I raised a hand with the two cards in it. "I got to go deliver this to Bumi and Pakku, your-" I looked to Sokka. "- Teacher assigned it to me. I have paper if you want to say anything to both of them before I leave."

    "Why can't you just send Hyo?" Katara huffed as she held her hand out for a pen and paper. I laughed at that as I slumped my bag off in front of me. It's a good thing that I was using all of this leftover paper that was meant for Zuko. I tossed it down to both of them and Aang and Katara grabbed a handful. 

    "I don't think that both of those kingdoms will like a lone Dragon infiltrating their walls." I rubbed the back of my head and laughed. "Trust me, I thought about it." I also wanted to be the one to hand it to them in person, I don't know what's inside but I bet it's important. 

    "You're right, they wouldn't like that. I couldn't imagine what I would think if a dragon showed up at home." Sokka rubbed the back of his head. I smiled at that. At least they understand. "It's two weeks from today, make sure you are there two days early though, that's when all the discussions will happen."

     "Alright." I nodded my head in understanding. I will be on time for that. "Are you guys finished?" I held down a hand for the letters. They placed them both in my palm and handed the brushes to my other hand.

    I looked at who they were addressed to and nodded. "I'll make sure they get them safely." I put everything back into my bag.

    "Thank you, Kaida." Katara bowed her head to me, making me blush. Why was she bowing to someone like me? We were family, there was no need for that. "Be safe."

    "Yeah be safe!" Toph raised a fist and I laughed. 

    "Just for you guys." I looked between all of them. I was going to miss them, it was sad that I had to leave after being with them for only a short while. Times were changing, and I had to do what I could. There will be a time where I can laugh beside them in peace, but that time wasn't now. "See ya in a few weeks." I waved one last time before Hyo shot into the air and headed towards my next destination.

    The Northern Water Tribe.

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    "Truly, who would choose to live in an icebox like this?" I blew into my hands as I laid on Hyo who was warming up. We had been flying for a day not stopping for any breaks. Hyo let out a 'Mii' in agreement, though I noticed his little replies have gotten more mature.

    I looked up at the night sky, the beautiful stars twinkling in the sky, "I wonder what Zuko's doing." Hyo scoffed, I was beginning to think that he didn't like Zuko that much. Though I don't blame him, he has only seen the bad sides of him. 

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