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Monday, July 6th


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    It was Appa's shedding season so there was a lot more work to be done before we could go to bed for today. I had just finished grooming and I was unpacking my sleeping bag to count the sheep for the night, when I felt something. Someone was pulling on my fire. "Ugh." I stumbled dropping my stuff, clutching my head with both hands. "Ugh." I moaned as I sank to my knees.

    "Kaida?!" Katara was the first to see me, she ran over to me, dropping to her knees beside me. "What's wrong?" She placed a hand on my back, trying to soothe me.

    "Someone-" I lurched forward, holding my stomach, there was another tug, I felt my flame try to rip from myself. Zuko was using our link, but he didn't know how to use it, he was unknowingly ripping the flame from me. I couldn't stand it, I had to keep Hyo alive with the remainder of my flames.

    "What's wrong?!" Sokka was now running over. He slid down next to Katara. "Did she eat something weird?"

    Hyo crawled into my lap, he has grown so much, getting bigger every day. I clutched him close as I gasped, my eyes widening as Zuko pulled. He pulled me, pulled me into his eyes.

   "My name is Zuko. Son of Ursa and Fire Lord Ozai. Prince of the Fire Nation and heir to the throne." He sheathed his sword. My power leaving with it. Where am I? I was looking through the eyes, the eyes of Zuko. I tried to look around but they were glued to this husky Earth Bender. Who was he?

    "Liar! I heard of you. You're not a prince, you're an outcast! His own father burned and disowned him." I wanted to whirl on them. What was going on?

    I, we, turn away from the old man, ignoring the comment. Instead, we walk over to this weird man, who cowers at the Fire Prince's approach. What? Was he going to kill this man? What is going through his head? I must stop him. Stop him from something he will grow to regret.

    "No Zuko." Then I was pulled away from wherever Zuko was back to my world. 

    I gasped sitting up, my hand on my chest, heaving up and down. Then the headache hit, I groaned and fell back to the ground. I peeked my eyes opened only to see clouds moving quickly past us. "Kaida?" Katara leaned into my view. I groaned closing my eyes again.

    "Where am I?" I was just in the middle of the desert in a body that wasn't mine. My head hammered against my skull.

    "On Appa, you were out for hours! And we are being chased," Aang said from somewhere on Appa.

    "Hours?" I said snapping my eyes open. When I was with Zuko, I was with him barely over a minute, there was no way that was an hour. Did my soul get lost going back to my own body? Hold on a second did they say we are being chased? "Chased?" I sat up still clutching my head. I winced in pain.

    "Stay down." Katara pulled out her water and placed it on my forehead and it started to help me.

    "Oh so she doesn't have to do any work but I do?" Toph's voice rang out in the air. Katara let out a sigh.

    "I don't see you running a fever and had just been passed out for the last three hours." What did I miss? I was out for what seems to be three hours, how has the group blown up in that little time.

    "Oh." Whined Toph, "look at me, I'm so sick."

    "Toph, that's not funny. Kaida is in real pain." Katara snapped, but I grunted, opening my eyes once more.

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